Chiaotzu's Anime Wallpapers!
Hello everybody! This page contains wallpapers of some of the animes that I like. I also have some information about the animes but it is not detailed. All the wallpapers on this page were created by me but the pictures on the wallpapers were taken from other sites. I hope that you will enjoy these wallpapers. Right now, the site has wallpapers on Dragonball, Pokemon and Rurouni-Kenshin(Samurai X). There is also one that is on anime. I will add more as I make them. The pictures that I used to decorate this page were also taken from other sites. If you find that I seem to have a lot of wallpapers on the one character, it will be because he/she/it is one of my favourite characters. All the wallpapers are in *gif* format and so you will have to change the filename extension from *gif* to *bmp* for it to work as a wallpaper on your computer.
Kiki's Delivery Service
Tonde Buurin