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The cat
Domestic and wild--have intrigued humans for thousands of years,
and throughout that time the relationship of these animals with humans
has varied widely. People have seen cats as hunters, worshiped them
as gods, and have sacrificed them as demons, But, the animals
have survived and are still fascinating humans everywhere. They have often
been used as symbols of beauty, grace, mystery, and power, and
they have been also favorite subjects for many artists and writers.
The domestic cat - house cat ,is second only to the dog
in popularity as a house pet. No one knows exactly how
many domestic cats there are in the United States, but researchers
estimate that more than 30 million are owned as pets.
There is no way to estimate the numbers of homeless feral cats
There probably are millions of fereal cats wandering
the streets of cities and towns across the country.
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Wonderful World of Animals 1995-2006