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Dragon Ball Z Gameday
Gundam Wing Battlezone

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Welcome to Elite Knight's Anime Website. This site is a network of anime websites for many anime series. My goal is to get a website of almost every anime series ever made.

New Layout on DBZG
Posted 5:04 PM CST 4/28/02 by Elite Knight
Dragon Ball Z Gameday has a new layout.

Busy with New Sites
Posted 7:19 PM CST 4/11/02 by Elite Knight
I am very busy working on Dragon Ball Z Gameday and Gundam Wing Battlezone, so don't expect a new anime website up sooner than this summer.

News of the Day
Posted 12:25 PM CST 4/05/02 by Elite Knight
Not much going on here, I am now working on Gundam Wing Battlezone and Dragon Ball Z Gameday.

Gundam Wing Battlezone Almost Up
Posted 8:38 PM CST 3/29/02 by Elite Knight
Gundam Wing Battlezone is almost up.

Gundam Wing Battlezone
Posted 6:52 PM CST 3/27/02 by Elite Knight
Gundam Wing Battlezone will officially open by Saturday.

More Anime Websites
Posted 1:44 PM CST 3/24/02 by Elite Knight
I am working on other anime websites, but it could be a while before they are finished.

© 2002 Adams ProductionsTM. All rights reserved.
Elite Knight's Anime WebsiteTM is part of Elite Knight Network.