Bio of Butch

I tried to interview Butch but I couldn't get much out of him.

What's your Japanese name?

Where did you grow up?
Why do you want to know? Are you going to try and stalk me or something?

Ok then, can you tell us a little about your background?
The only thing I'm going to tell you is to mind your own business.

Can you tell me why your voice sounds like a frog?
Go figure.
The doctors probably screwed up when they removed his tonsils so his voice is permanately going to sound like a frog. Or maybe you smoke too much.
Shut up.

Do you think you and Cassidy are a better team than Jessie and James?
Yeah, we are. We have stronger pokemon, we're on the boss's good side, and we don't fight as much as two certain people I know of. James and Jessie are always making fools of themselves.

Can you show us any pictures?
*Sigh* Fine just one.

This is an angry me after Mr. Rose called me Botch.
Botch, you need to control your anger. Is that your girlfriend behind you?
Huh, where? Oh, that's just Cassidy.

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