Butch's Partner: Cassidy

I'm going to tell you about my partner Cassidy.
What's there to know about her?
Well for one thing, she's better than Jessie.
*gasp* How?
She's prettier, smarter, and doesn't mess up all the time. Even Jessie's jealous of her. And I can see why.
Is that all you have to say?
Yeah, that's all I have to say. She'll remain a mystery, just like me. But I do have some pictures to show.

That's Cassidy letting Raticate out of the pokeball.
I thought I smelled a rat.

Here's Cassidy commanding Raticate to use Super Fang attack.
Does she ever command you to do anything? Jessie sure does do that to me.

Cassidy is telling you and Jessie that you can't say the motto right.
I think you're wrong. She's talking about you two. Who's that wierd looking person behind her?

That's Cassidy telling Arbok and Lickitung to attack.
Talk about a close-up.

Here's Cassidy hugging a Sandshrew.
Hey Botch, does she give nice hugs???
*Blushes* Why do you ask?

Here's Cassidy telling Meowth to attack.
Is that a green ball coming to hit her?
No stupid, that's my head.

Here's Cassidy taking off a mask.
Whoa! She has 2 masks? I knew she always wore one all the time.
Shut up.

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