Even if...

Rating? Umm... Nothing really dark.... Although there's this one part where they describe the picture.... But whatever, right? Read up!

DISCLAIMER: Obviously ....I don't own Team Rocket and especially not Team Twerp... they're all © Satoshi Tajiri. And some other companies, but Tajiri's the one that made it up. But Shun is © Nadia, me. Feels so good to say that! lilipea_goddess@hotmail.com.
Random Thoughts: Please enjoy this crap-tastic story! -_- Also--- I'm gonna put a warning on here for anti-shippers, and I don't think poké-shippers will enjoy this either........ and for those of you that are very sensitive to some stuff. Alright, I warned you. -_-


Even If...


The Twerps didn't need to mingle in the phone book for long------
they had to skim through it FOREVER.
Brock stood up from the spot he'd been sitting in for two hours, revealing a deep dent in the carpet.

"Alright, that is it....I am officially giving up." He walked towards the kitchen door.
"It's as if they just -- disappeared," Misty offered.
"Yeah." Ash had suggested that the four of them --- himself, Misty, Tracey, and Brock --- look for the 'enemies' that had stopped following them two months ago, Team Rocket. Deep inside, he knew-----and deeper inside, even Misty, Tracey, and Brock knew---- that Team Rocket were actually, in a certain respect, their friends also.

And what about the fact that they disappeared and stopped following them? They had been following them forever. They wouldn't just leave now....not unless something was wrong.

And he'd find out what's wrong, in the name of his pathetic goody-goody justice.

"And I'll find out what's wrong, in the name of my un-pathetic goody-goody justice!!!!!!!"
Misty batted an annoyed eye at him. "Just shut up, Ash. The narrator already said that for you." Misty was in a worse mood than ever. Ash had said that very same speech when her Horsea was missing, and did he really ever find out what happened to it? No!

Her sea baby was gone. Gone and probably eaten by one of the Onyxs. The last place they saw it was in an onyx's lair. And that was it.
This event had made Misty very boring to be around, like kids who eventually take a turn for the worse-----

'Stupid Pikachu didn't watch it like I'd always told it to,' she thought. 'Stupid, little Pikachu.......hmmm.......'
An idea was brimming in her mind.

Meanwhile, Tracey was drawing another one of his sketches. What he never told his friends was that he's not only a good drawer, but also psychic....

Ash was watching him. 'Just look at that nerd go,' he thought. 'Always so perfect, always so passive, always so clean.....hey, just what in the he_ is he drawing, anyway?'

The sketch was perfect, just as Ash had said. But---
it was --- it had ---

Misty had come to join them again. "Gee, I'm sorry, Ash...you won't be able to see your precious little Pikachu anymore, and I want you to know --- " she stopped short, looking at the nerd's sketch, which was almost complete. "Tracey, are you perverted or something? I thought you only drew Pokemon."

The nerd drew swiftly, faster than anyone in within a 100 mile radius, and accurate at the same time. He filled in the faces now, and hair, and eyes.....and they looked exactly.....exactly like.....

"Why Tracey, that's--!"
"Why? Why did you draw this?"

The picture was a fully resembled drawing of an affectionately "embracing" couple. The male's lips touched the female's definitely, as he held her wrists.
The couple looked remarkably none other like...

"Team Rocket, Tracey, you drew Team Rocket like this......uhh......'embracing'..... in the same BED???! PERVERT!!!! MY GODDDD!!!!!!!! What do you think you're doing???"

Tracey looked at the sketch, and seemed to be just as abashed and surprised as Ash and Misty. "I......I didn't even know what I was drawing! I promise!! I just told myself: the team in the future, and my hands just.... went, and created this...." Tracey heard Misty scoff. He went on, "I couldn't stand it anymore... I HAD to know what happened to them. I feared the worst, but now......"

Misty snorted. "You're tellin' me you're a psychic?! Hah! He's just a pervert, drawing this."

Ash ignored her. "Tracey! So they're O.K.? They're a..... couple now?"

Brock had joined them, sandwich in hand. "What's up, guys? What are you doin'?" He bent down, and, upon seeing Tracey's sketch, snatched it from him. "Ooh!!! Yummy!!! Hm. Why, This is quite.....uh... I mean---"
The rest of the twerps were looking at him disaprovingly. He choked slightly on the bread he was eating and roared, "ALL RIGHT, WHO'S RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS? HAVE YOU NO SHAME?"

Misty and Ash pointed at Tracey involuntarily.

Tracey looked down. "All I know is.........this will be the future. One time, when I was young, I told myself: how I will look in the future, and the portrtait I created was exactly like me now. Exactly. My predictons are never wrong!"

Ash got a thought. "Uhm, but wait.... They didn't 'do' this yet, since what you draw happens in the future, right? So then.... we still haven't found out where they are NOW."

Everyone looked at Ash briefly, with bored eyes. Ash sweatdropped.

Misty became cheerful again. "Draw one about me and Ash's future!"

The outcome was truly a scary thought for anyone.....
Except for Misty, who was jumping with joy.

Ash sat in the corner, eyes wide with terror. Tracey and Brock watched, with pity for him on their faces.


Jessie walked along the bend of the Hazel City river, gazing at her reflection in the water as she walked.

In the reflection, she saw another figure come up to her from behind, approaching her slowly.

"Jessie," said the figure, James.

Jessie smiled. "What's up?"

"Oh, uhhh..." James put his right arm behind his head and looked down. "I just wanted to ask you if you had a fun time on your date with Shun."

Jessie looked away gradually. Then, looked back at her partner. "I didn't have fun." She saw James' eyes go wide with surprise.

"Really? Why?" He hesitated. "Did he do something to you?"

Jessie was looking murderous. "I can't believe I agreed to come with him! He was just so persistent, until I finally said yes...." She brushed an escaped tear from her face with anger. To her surprise, James reached out to her and gave her a hug. She began to cry fully.

"It's okay.. It's okay, Jessica, right? This isn't the Jessie I know!" Jessie looked up to see James smiling. "My Jessie would never cry about someone like him."

A smile was blossoming on Jessie's face. "Even though I went with him.... you're...."

James nodded. "I'll always be here for you."

"You're my true love."

Meowth walked over slowly from where he was filming from the bushes, and grinned devilishly.
"Let's see if I won my bet with Mondo on just how long it would take for those two to finally figure it out!"

