Bio of James

I managed to tear James away from his roses and donuts long enough to interview him.

What's your name in Japanese?

Where did you grow up?
Sunny Town

Ok James, tell us a little about your background.
Well, let's see here.....oh yeah I grew up in a wealthy family not like Jessie's poor family. I was engaged to a dumb and scary girl named Jessibelle. So I decided to run away. But I had a Growlithe named Growlie that I had to leave behind. *Sniffle*
Get on with the story, crybaby!
Oh ok. Then I went to Pokemon Tech where I met Jessie.
Oh yeah, your girlfriend.
She isn't my girlfriend. Just a friend. Anyway, we both flunked out of Pokemon Tech. So then we went and joined a bicycle gang. I was the only one with training wheels there. Because of that they called me Trainer Jim. Then I ended up here in Team Rocket.

Anyway so what do you like, James?
I like roses, bottlecaps, donuts, oh yeah myself,...
And Jessie
Oh yeah and Jess- hey wait a moment! I don't like her!!!!

What do you hate?
The twerps, failing, and Jessie hitting me.

What three words best describe you?
Emotional, sentimental, and nice.
Typical characteristics of a pansy boy.
*Confused* I don't like pansies.
*Sigh* You just don't get it.

Do you have any pictures of yourself?
Sure, here.

Here is my family and me with Growlie.
Aw, what happened to that poor child?

Here's me as a tot.
A tater tot?

That's Jessibelle.
Hot girl alert!

That's me on my bike with training wheels.
*Baby talk* Awwww, little baby needs his training wheels or else he falls down and gets owchie.

Here's me being reunited with Growlie.
What a mangy mutt. Probably a flea market.

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