
This section is devoted to James's partner, Jessie.
Also known as James's girlfriend!
*whining* No I don't, Botch!
How many times do I have to tell you? The name is Butch!!!!
Can we get back on the subject?
Sure. Anyway, Jessie and I have been there for each other in the good times and the bad times. Even though there have been more bad than good. She is kind of the leader of our team because she's so bossy, self-obsessed, and likes to push people around (like me). But probably she's like that because she's trying to cover up her own insecurities. Deep down, she is probably nice and caring, she just can't show and express that.
What a touching moment.
Here, I have some pictures of her.

Here's Jessie about to hit me.
*Sings*Hit me baby one more time!

Here's Jessie yelling her head off.
Jessie, please close your mouth and get a breathmint.

Here's Jessie about to catch Lickitung
What a slobber-mouth.

Here's Jessie modeling clothes.
Have you looked in a mirror lately?

Here we are drowning in clothes.
That picture is something I would have in a nightmare.

That's Jessie in a kimono.
Looks like she got dressed in the dark.

That's Jessie painting a design on a Squirtle.
She's a Picasso?

Here's Jessie holding up a necklace.
Are those real pearls or the cheap fake kind?

That's Jessie and me tanning.
Girls and bikinis...What more can a guy ask for?

This is Jessie on fire.
Stop, drop, and roll!

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