Frogs vs. Roses | Hello! Welcome to Frogs vs. Roses! This site is made for Butch and/or James fans, the two coolest guys in Team Rocket and Pokemon. No, this is not a kokoshippy or shonen ai site. The main idea of the site is to show the rivalry between the two Team Rocket members. There's also a dash of rocketshippy and neoshippy here, because I happen to be both of the shippers. Of course, there's plenty of humor, so I hope you brought your sense of humor with you. ^_^ The majority of the site is dialogue or conversations between James and Butch.
I talk in white
Like the new layout? Click on the the guys and frogs to go to different sections. A little message should pop up telling you what each section is. In case it doesn't: If you have any questions, comments, or 'helpful criticism'; be sure to e-mail me! ^_^ Enjoy your stay! ^_^
Serving your wants and needs for James and Butch since June 16, 2001
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters and pokemon. All artwork and stories belong to their respective creater.