Card Captor Sakura Characters

Name: Sakura Kinomoto/Avalon:
Birthday: April 1st
Blood Type: A
Favourite Class/Classes: PE and Music
Least Favourite Class/Classes: Math
Favourite Colour/Colours: Pink and white
Favourite Flower/Flowers: Cherry blossom
Favourite Food: Noodles
Least Favourite Food: Konnyaku
Best Dish/Dishes: Pancakes
Really Wants: A new schoolbag
Family: Fujitaka Kinomoto/Aiden Avalon and Touya Kinomoto/Tori Avalon
Tomoyo Daidouji/Madison Taylor:
Tomoyo/Madison is Sakura's best friend.
Touya Kinomoto/Tori Avalon:
Touya/Tori is Sakura's big brother. He hates Li. Yukito/Julian is Touya/Tori's best frined.
Yukito Tsukishiro/Julian:
Yukito/Julian is Touya/Tori's best friend. He is really kind.
Kero Beros:
Kero is the Guardian Beast who protects "The Clow". Unfortunately, he fell asleep for a long time, and woke up to find that Sakura had opened "The Clow" and that there was only one Card left!!!
Li Syaoran/Syaoran Li:
Li/Syaoran is a descendant of Clow Reed. He and Sakura are rivals.
Fujitaka Kinomoto/Aiden Avalon:
Fujitaka/Aiden is Touya/Tori and Sakura's father. His wife died before the series even started.
