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Episode 26 - Gohan and Goten... The Worst Brotherly Spat!?

The episode starts out with the continuing battle between baby and Goten. They are battling above a heavily damaged Satan City. Palace, his date, interrupts the battle by calling Goten on his cell phone. He takes his attention off baby to answer the phone and holds a conversation with Palace. This angers baby. He charges Goten causing him to toss his phone in the air. Goten dodged the headbutt and catches the phone and gets his ear drums battered when Satan yells words of encouragement. Baby sends a blast which cuts Goten on the arm. He goes super saiya-jin yelling at baby for trying to make him look bad in front of Palace. Baby is pleased by this as Goten prepares a kamehameha. Baby ducks around the blast and enters Goten's body through the cut on his arm. Now possessed Goten-bebi reading Goten's thoughts learns the strongest saiya-jin is Vegeta. He leaves Palace and Satan to look for Vegeta.

Meanwhile Giru detects a dragonball by a lake which is inside the stomach of a dragon. Goku goes inside the dragon's belly and finds it. He comes out through the dragon causing the dragon to deflate and shrink. Pan and Trunks celebrate on the ship after collecting six dragonballs, but Goku is worried because baby has not showed up to fight them. Piccolo is shown floating by a lake sensing a strong force on earth.

Chi-Chi is awaiting Goten's arrival from is date when Burma is told she has visitors. Chi-Chi thinking it's Goten runs down the corridor into Gohan and Videl. Gohan found out about Goten fighting at the city and came to see what happened. Goten-bebi comes bursting in knocking Chi-Chi over. He rudely asks where Vegeta is and gets smacked by Chi-Chi because he didn't acknowledge Vegeta as Vegeta-san. Burma tells them that she's not sure where he is. Goten-bebi looks at Gohan and senses stronger powers from him. He realizes that Gohan's powers will be needed before fighting Vegeta. So he punches Gohan and asks him to fight. Chi-Chi tells them to go fight outside thinking everything is ok since they fight like that on occasion.

Gohan takes Goten-bebi to fight and says he knows it isn't Goten. They begin to fight but Gohan is unwilling to fight Goten-bebi head on because it's Goten's body. Goten-bebi creates a strong blast forcing Gohan to go super saiya-jin. Baby enters Gohans body and possess him. Piccolo shows up and asks Baby to come out of Gohans body and fight. Gohan-bebi powers a kamehameha and apparently destroys piccolo. Baby then thinks of finding Vegeta.

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