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Episode 46 - Crash!! Super Goku 4 vs Super #17

Super Saiya-jin Chibi Gokou is about to fight Super #17.  Mr. Satan cries and tells Gokou to beat him up for hurting Pan.  Super #17 is given the order to attack Gokou by Dr. Myu and charges.  Gokou punches him in his stomach sending him flying out of the city until he stops above some far away mountains.  Super #17 fires off his “Flash Revolver” in an attempt to hit Gokou from far away.  Gokou blocks all of his shots, flies towards him and tries to hit him again, however Gokou punch is caught by #17 hand.  #17 declares that he has seen all of his moves and easily beats up on Gokou.  Gokou fires off several “ki” waves and a Kamehameha in retaliation but Super #17 doesn’t seem to be affect at all.  After being sent flying into the ocean, Gokou becomes serious and transforms into Super Saiya-jin4 and relentlessly blasts Super #17.  Dr Myu laughs to himself because he implanted a device in Super #17 that allows him to absorb “ki” waves, so no matter how powerful Gokou is now he still can’t beat Super #17.  Gokou wonders why his attacks don’t work and finally realizes that #17 has been absorbing them.  Gokou disappears, then reappears, then fires off his strongest attack, Jubei(10x) Kamehameha.  However Super #17 absorbs the Jubei Kamehameha and achieves full power.  #17 beats up on Gokou worse than before and Gokou now realizing he can’t use “ki” waves now must rely on his teleportaion skill. 

Super #17 however tells Gokou that he can sense were he will teleport to and  prepares to kill him.  Gokou lies on a cliff face waiting to die by #17 hand


Series: DBGT
Episode 46: Crash!! Super Goku 4 vs. Super 17
Viewed: Japanese VA's, subtitled in English

      The Episode begins with Chibi Goku arriving at the battlefield seeing
everyone, including Vegeta, badly beaten. Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan
and Super 17 rushes forward, attacking head on. Goku easily sends him flying,
almost going all the way around it. 17 stops himself over an icy continent,
and uses the Flash Revolver technique. Goku flies toward him, detonating the
ki waves as he goes. He reaches 17 and performs another punch; this time, 17
stops it and punches Goku repeatedly, then kicking him down. Goku and 17 land
on the continent and Goku attacks with several ki waves. 17 appears to take
no damage. Then, Goku rushes up at 17 and performs the Kamehameha right in
front of him; 17 goes untouched. He sends Goku into the water.
      The water lights up brilliantly and Super Saiyan 4 Goku(now adult)
emerges. Dr. Mu, who has been watching, does not know this is Goku, and Goku
brags, saying that 17 had not seen all of his skills. He and 17 engage in
combat and Goku fires more and more ki waves, an exercise in futility. Dr. Mu
reveals that 17 absorbs ki waves and uses the power for his own when he is
hit by them. 17 and Goku fight in the forest of an island nearby, and Goku
fires ever more ki. 17 actually flies into the ki and Goku finally notices
what he has been doing wrong.
      Goku dissapears while Dr. Mu and 17 stay above the trees. Then, pillars
of rock emerge from the ground and Goku emerges, firing a Kamehameha with ten
times the usual strength. Dr. Mu becomes worried that 17 will be destroyed;
but 17 takes the hit and absorbs the ki, becoming insanely strong. Goku says
that is his strongest move and he wanted to see if 17 could take it, and Dr.
Mu insults Goku.
      Dr. Mu commands 17 to fight, and 17 engages Goku at full strength. Goku
is punched down into a long row of trees, then into a pillar of rock, where
he slips past 17. He starts to fire another Kamehameha, but stops himself, at
which point 17 hits him again, knocking him back quite a distance. He uses
the teleport move to get behind 17, but 17 somehow notices this and punches
Goku again. With another teleport to an even more obscure position, 17 sends
Goku flying into the island with a small blast of ki straight into Goku's
face. Goku lands on the island, nearly devoid of ki energy. 17 powers up a
Hell's Flash--a fairly large sphere of energy, with a black border to it--and
Goku realizes 17 is far superior to him, and actually gives up, saying he
hopes to go to Heaven when he dies, as the food in Hell is no good.

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