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Episode 49 - The Strongest Enemy!? The Fear of the Underhanded-Trick Using Dragon

Episode #49
The Strongest Enemy!?  The Fear of the Underhanded-Trick Using Dragon.

    Pan, Gokou, and Gill confront Ryan-Shenlong, (Second-Star Dragon), who is terrorizing villagers near a lake.  All of them believe that he's unbelievably weak, but Ryan-Shenlong insists that he's the strongest of the 7 evil dragons. Pan smacks Ryan-Shenlong into a cliff and asks for the 2-star dragonball.  Ryan-Shenlong begins to grow in size, making Gokou believe that he'll transform, but  Ryan-Shenlong says he doesn't have that ability.  The evil dragon says transformations are for cowards who are cornered and that a truly strong person does without them.  Pan begins to use Ryan-Shenlong as a punching bag and beats him all over the area.  Pan asks for the 2-star dragonball again, but Ryan-Shenlong says the fight has just begun.  Gokou says that there's two much difference in power, and that the evil dragon is
just like Mr. Satan.
    Ryan-Shenlong attacks with his tail, but Pan dodges out of the way and
drop kicks him from the sky.  The evil dragon asks Pan are you collecting the
dragonballs to make you less ugly, and for that remark Pan beats him up worst
than before.  Ryan-Shenlong begins to laugh and Gokou says something strange
is happening because Pan is getting more fatigued while Ryan-Shenlong isn't
even out of breath.  Pan attacks again but to her suprise Ryan-Shenlong is
able to block all her punches. Ryan-Shenlong    punches Pan in the stomach,
Gokou charges at the evil dragon but his attack is dodged and both Pan and
Gokou are head-butted together.  Pan and Gokou attack again, but Pan is
locked in Ryan-Shenlong's grip while Gokou is tail-slapped away. 
Ryan-Shenlong says that he's going to eat Pan now but Gokou's determined to
stop him by going SSJ.  However, he reverts back to normal and wonders what
    The evil dragon says look at that polluted lake to find out why your
losing power.  Ryan-Shenlong's body release minus energy which turns lake
water into poison.  Furthermore it turns into minus fog giving off poison
minus energy all around this area.  The minus energy got into their bodies
while fighting the evil dragon.  Pan understands now its not that
Ryan-Shenlong got stonger they got weaker.  Gokou says that's an unfair
trick, but Ryan-Shenlong says that it's your fault you didn't notice the
minus energy.  Pan wants to know what minus energy is, so Ryan-Shenlong
explains it by asking Gokou do you know an Indian boy named Upa.  In a
flashback of the original Dragonball series, Tao Pai Pai, (General Tao),
killed Upa's father and Gokou used the dragonballs to resurrect him. 
    Ryan-Shenlong says that he was born from the minus energy of that wish,
and thanks Gokou for bring him into existence.  The evil dragon uses Pan like
a bowling ball and rolls her at Gokou striking him.  Gokou says that he must
defeat him but Ryan-Shenlong says that you can barely stand and fires a mouth
blast at both of them.  Ryan-Shenlong is about to throw them both into the
poisoned lake but Gill tries to stop him by firing missiles which do no
damage.     The evil dragon tail-smacks the robot into the lake and throws
Gokou and Pan into the water as well.  Pan wants either Gohan, Videl, Trunks,
Goten, or even Mr. Satan to save her, but is instead saved by Gill.  Gill
drags both Gokou and Pan into an area of water that is un-contaminated.
    A water spring is keeping the water pure and Pan comes with and idea to
ride it to the surface.  Ryan-Shenlong says that if he can cover the world
with his minus fog
the Earth will become his paradise.  Pan and Gokou appear behind him fully
restored thanks to the water spring and they say that this time they're going
to attack at full power.  They fire a Kamehameha together at Ryan-Shenlong,
disintegrating him except for the 2-star dragonball.  The black and cracked
dragonball heals itself and becomes orange and whole again.  They're happy
that they recovered their first dragonball, but there are still 6 evil
dragons left and they won't be as weak as this one.

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