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Episode 50 - Saiya-jin Power Dies in Honorable Defeat!? Electrical Fighter Uu Shinlon

The lake that Ryan-Shenlong, (Second-Star Dragon), polluted has returned
to normal and the animals of the forest can once again drink the water.  Pan says that the sky returned a little bit back to normal when they recovered the 2-star dragonball and Gokou adds that they only have to defeat 6 more evil dragons before the Earth returns to normal.  Everyone at Capsule Corp. looks at the aurora borealis-filled sky and wonders what's going to happen to Earth.  Videl promises to punish Pan for leaving without permission again and Chi-Chi hopes that Gokou will fix everything.  Gill indicates that the next dragonball is in a town, that seems to be completely deserted.  Gokou wonders were everyone is while Pan looks to buy juice from a vending machine.  Pan screams when she sees weird red slime ooze out of the machine and more slime appearing out of nowhere.
    An elderly couple say that the red slime absorbs electricity, forcing
everyone to leave the town.  Gill says that the dragonball is approaching,
and Uu-Shenlong, (Five-Star Dragon), appears with the 5-star dragonball
imbedded in his stomach.  Uu-Shenlong says that it's easy to defeat
Ryan-Shenlong because he's the weakest of the evil dragons.  Gokou asks how
about you and Uu-Shenlong boasts that he's the strongest of the 7 evil
dragons.  Gokou doesn't think so because he's even smaller than he is. 
Uu-shenlong becomes mad and commands his electric slime to attack Gokou and
Pan.  The slime electrocutes them but it doesn't do any serious damage. 
Uu-Shenlong says that this was only a warm-up and and commands his electric
slime to build him up, creating a building size copy of himself, with the
real Uu-Shenlong inside the giant copy of the 5-star dragonball.
    The evil dragon asks Gokou do you remember the time Nappa and Vegeta
attacked Earth and your friends wished you back to life to fight them. 
Uu-Shenlong says that he was born from the minus energy of that wish. 
Uu-Shenlong sticks out his index fingers and screams Dragon Thunder which
electrocutes Gokou.  Gill becomes scared because if he short-curcuits he's
finished and runs away. Uu-Shenlong fires more Dragon Thunder blasts, but
Gokou dodges them and tries to punch the real Uu-Shenlong but his fist gets
stuck in the giant size dragonball.  The evil dragon fires Dragon Thunder
again, electrocuting Gokou and slaps him into a building.  Pan fires a "ki"
blast at Uu-Shenlong but he shoots Dragon Thunder, overpowering the blast and
knocking her into the street.  Gokou reappears in SSJ4 form suprising
Uu-Shenlong.  The evil dragon fires Dragon Thunder which just seems to tingle
Gokou now.  Gokou says that he's got no more time to play because there are
still 5 more evil dragons left and fires Juubei (10x) Kamehameha. 
    The blast does no damage to Uu-Shenlong who deflects it right fight back
at Gokou and Pan, causing him to revert back to normal. Gokou says that he
can't believe he was defeated by his own technique, but Uu-Shenlong says that
he can become even stonger than this.  The evil dragon begins to siphon
electricity from a hydro-electric dam and the entire town growing as big as a
mountain.  Pan tries to fire "ki" blasts at Uu-Shenlong but he just deflects
it right back at her.  Pan and Gokou try to escape but Uu-Shenlong's electric
slime traps them and he begins to electrocute them using 50% electric power. 
Pan goes unconsious, and Uu-Shenlong uses 100% full power on Gokou. 
    Gokou thinks that they're finished until a rainstorm begins to
short-curcuit Uu-Shenlong freeing them.  Pan re-awakens and says that now is
their chance to attack but Gokou says there's no need since the evil dragon's
own abiliy has defeated him. The giant Uu-Shenlong explodes and the real one
is found beaten in the rubble of the town.  Uu-Shenlong admits that he's lost
and agrees to give up the 5-star dragonball.  Pan tries to take the
dragonball but Uu-Shenlong calls her a fool and tries to trap her in his
electric slime.  Gokou fires a Kamehameha that kills Uu-Shenlong and they
recover the 5-star dragonball.  The dragonball heals itself, and Gill has
come out of hiding, but there are still 5 evil dragons left to defeat.

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