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Episode 52 - Pan, Look Out! To be Possessed by Chii-Shinlon

Pan and Gokou are following Gill's reading of a dragonball somewhere in a
barren desert.  Pan doesn't believe that the dragonball is here but Gokou says that it could be behind some rocks.  They land and Gill says that the dragonball is underground.  An earthquake occurs and Pan and Gokou are
confronted by Chii-Shenlong, (Seven-Star Dragon), who burrows up through the
ground.  The evil dragon completely ignores them so Gokou shouts in his ear are you our next enemy, grabbing his attention.  Pan says that the 7-star dragonball is imbedded in his forehead so he must be Seven-Star Dragon, (Chii-Shenlong).  Chii-Shenlong asks the girl how she knows his name and Pan
replies by saying that all the names of the evil dragon's follow the same pattern. 
    Gokou says let's fight, but Chii-Shenlong says he has no idea what
they're talking about.  Pan explains that they're suppose to fight over the
dragonball in his forehead, but Chii-Shenlong refuses to fight or give up the
7-star dragonball.  The evil dragon says that he only wants to cause
earthquakes and begins to burrow back underground again.  Gokou tells Pan
that he can't fight with someone who doesn't want to so he decides to trick
him.  Gokou starts to make fun of Chii-Shenlong's mother but he's totally
unaffected by the remarks.  Gokou thinks that's strange because it worked on
Uubu, but Pan gets an idea and decides to fire "ki" blasts at the ground. 
The blasts, however can't reach Chii-Shenlong who continues to move towards
his destination, a city.  Pan and Gokou try to stop him by rescuing the
people, and in SSJ4 form, Gokou stops buildings from toppling over and the
earthquake from splitting the ground.
    Chii-Shenlong reappears hoping to gaze upon the glorious destruction he
has caused but is shock to see the city still in one piece.  Chii-Shenlong
becomes angry when he finds out it was Gokou and Pan that ruined the
earthquake he worked so hard to create, and now wants to battle.  SSJ4 Gokou
begins to use Chii-Shenlong as a punching bag, but takes the hits stating
that he's very tough.  Chii-Shenlong asks Gokou do you remember when Majin
Vegeta killed the spectators at the Tenka-ichi Budoukai, (World Martial Arts
Tournament), and your friends resurrected them with the dragonballs.  The
evil dragon says that he was born from the minus energy of that wish. 
Chii-Shenlong begins to fire "ki" blasts from the ground blasting both Gokou
and Pan.  Chii-Shenlong boasts that it's his ultimate killing technique and
that not even they're good enough to dodge "ki" blasts that come from the
ground.  Gokou says that's an incredible technique, but Pan says it can't
effect us if were not on the ground.  Chii-Shenlong says that it doesn't
matter if your on the ground or flying it still can connect, and begins to
fire "ki" blasts rapidly.
    Pan and Gokou dodge the blasts easily stating that it's good excercise. 
This pisses off Chii-Shenlong who powers up a super "ki" blast, which
accidentaly hits him because Pan and Gokou were above his head at the time. 
Chii-Shenlong says that he can't believe that he was defeated by his own
technique and falls over.  Gokou says that this was too easy and reverts back
to normal and the 7-star dragonball flies out towards them.  Pan catches the
dragonball but screams as it begins to absorb her.  Gokou tries to save Pan
but it's no use as she becomes completely absobed.  Chii-Shenlong possess
Pan's body and uses it to create an even stronger body.  Chii-Shenlong calls
Gokou a fool for not noticing that he lost on purpose.  Gokou says that your
body was destroyed, but the evil dragon says look closely at that crater, the
only thing that died was a mole that he was was possessing.  Deep inside
Chii-Shenlong's new body, Pan asks that Gokou save her.  Chii-Shenlong
attacks with his twin tails, insisting that Gokou transform into the red
monkey.  Gokou says that he has to be careful not to damage Pan's body,
screaming give me back my granddaughter.


Dragon Ball GT Episode 52- Pan, Look Out! To Be Possessed by Chii-Shinlon

Japanes Subtitled


Pan, Gil, and Son Gokou are flying in a desert. Gil says that there is a
DragonBall approaching, but our heroes don't see anything. Pan thinks Gil is
wrong, but the 3 go down and search anyway. Not too long after that, an
eathquake starts. The 3 hear a voice commenting on how fun messing up the
ground is. Then, a large "mole" appears. Son Gokou asks the mole if it is the
next evil Shinlon, but the creature doesn't hear him. The boy yells at the
mole and the thing hears him. Pan somehow knows the mole's name:
Chii-Shinlon. He was born when all the people killed by Majin Vegeta were
brought back to life. This Shinlon appears to be stupid and asks how Pan knew
his name. Pan asks Chii-Shinlon to fight. He doesn't want to do that. Pan
tells him to hand over the Dragon Ball, but the mole doesn't want to do that
either, he just wants to make earthquakes. The evil Shinlon continues to dig,
and our heroes realize that he's heading towards a city. Pan, Son Gokou and
Gil follow it there. The city is in an earthquake. Pan saves an old woman, 
Son Gokou pushes a building and the ground back in place, after he goes Super
Saiya-jin 4. When
Chii- Shinlon stops digging, he gets angry as he sees the city just as it was
before he hit it. Pan and Son Gokou begin to fight Chii-Shinlon. The evil
dragon can blast ground kis, and accidentaly blasts himself when Son Gokou
and Pan land on it's head. Chii-Shinlon appears to have been destryoyed, but
when Pan catches the DragonBall, it is still cracked. Pan is absorbed,
despite Son Gokous tries to rescue her. Chii- Shinlon now has Pan's powers,
and is extremely strong...!

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