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Episode 54 - 6000 Degree Celsius Power! The Fighter of the Sun

Pan, Gill, and Gokou are in an abandoned city looking for the next
dragonball and the evil dragon connected to it.  Gokou, however complains about being hungry and Pan whines about the sun being so hot.  They look around some more for the dragonball, until Pan notices that the sun is getting bigger.  Gokou believes that it's just her imagination, until a red figure flies out from the sun and fires lazers beams at Gokou.  Gokou asks the figure if he's an evil dragon and the figure replies that he's
Suu-Shenlong, (Four-Star Dragon).  Gokou asks if his dragonball is the one with 4 stars, and Suu-Shenlong reveals it, imbedded in the palm of the evil dragon's right hand. 
    Gokou wants it back because it's his grandfather's keepsake, but Suu-Shenlong says that the only way he'll get it is by defeating him.  Pan says no problem because she says that they have already defeated four evil dragons, but Gokou says that Suu-Shenlong seems to be in a completely different class then the other evil dragons so far.  Pan attacks Suu-Shenlong but gets knocked out instantly in one hit.  Gokou says to let Pan go and is
about to attack, but Suu-Shenlong casually tosses her aside.  Suu-Shenlong says not to worry the girl isn't dead, just asleep, for now they can enjoy the ultimate survival game uninterrupted.  Suu-Shenlong powers up and Gokou says that there's something very strange about his "ki". The evil dragon says that the game will begin when the statue that he points to hits the ground.      

Gokou asks Suu-Shenlong what wish brought him into existence and he

replies by saying it was the minus energy from Piccolo Daimoh's wish to
become young again and at full power that cause him to be born.  The statue
falls from one of Suu-Shenlong's lazer beams and they begin to move at super
speed.  Gokou tries to punch the evil dragon but his hand instantly catches
fire the moment he gets near him.  Gokou wonders what happened and
Suu-Shenlong explains that he can raise his body temperature to 6000 degrees
Celsius, making him as hot as the sun. Suu-Shenlong fires more heat lazers
causing Gokou to seek shelter in a hotel.  Gokou says that since he can't
touch him he'll have to rely only on "ki" blasts, but Suu-Shenlong hides his
"ki" and launches more heat lazers at Gokou by suprise.  Gokou hides in
various rooms throughout the hotel, but Suu-Shenlong finds him each and every
time.  Suu-Shenlong enters a room and recieves a "ki" blast from Gokou, but
counterattacks with multiple heat lazers.  Gokou flies out of the hotel and
fires a Kamehameha at the evil dragon, but Suu-Shenlong raises a heat shield
in time and sends out more heat lazers.
    Gill is taking care of the unconsious Pan, until buildings mysteriously
start to become encased in ice.  A blue ice-covered evil dragon that looks
like Suu-Shenlong damages Gill, steals the 4 dragonballs, and sets his sights
next on Pan.  Gokou uses the sewer system to help him fire muliple "ki"
blasts at Suu-Shenlong and at the same time confuse the evil dragon. 
Suu-Shenlong, however stops Gokou's game by raising his body temperature
again, setting fire to Gokou's hair, and they continue the survival game
underground.  Gokou reaches a dead end, and comes out into a water reservoir,
while Suu-Shenlong follows by melting a hole through the sewer system with
his body.  Suu-Shenlong fires more heat lazers but Gokou has finally
discovered why the evil dragon's "ki" is so strange.  Suu-Shenlong uses a
lens to focus the sun's rays into heat lazers, giving Gokou an idea.
    Suu-Shenlong is about to fire a super heat lazer, but Gokou at the last
second uses Taiyo-ken, (Solar-Flare), and reverses the lazer beam back on
Suu-Shenlong, knocking him out.  Gokou says that there is no way that the
Taiyo-ken could defeat you and the evil dragon compliments Gokou on his
skill.  Suu-Shenlong says let's get serious and transforms by cracking his
skin revealing a golden version of his old body.  Gokou asks if that's what
he really looks like, and Suu-Shenlong replies by saying that he stays in his
old body to conserve heat energy.  Suu-Shenlong insists that Gokou transform
as well and Gokou goes SSJ4.  Gokou's "ki" makes the ground he's standing on
cave-in and says that 6000 degrees Celsius won't be a big threat to him in
SSJ4 form.


Japanese (subtitled)
Episode #54: 6000 Degree Celsius Power! The Fighter of the Sun

After defeating another evil dragon, Goku says that's he's hungry. Gill
starts to pick up a dragonball on the dragon radar. Pan looks up and notices
that the sun's getting bigger. Goku tells Pan's it's the heat affecting her.
Suddenly Suu-Shenlong, the dragon of the sun, attacks Goku. He tells Goku
that he's been looking forward to this battle. Pan goes after Suu-Shenlong.
Goku tells her that this dragon is stronger than the others they've fought,
but Pan attacks anyway and is beaten. Goku tells Suu-Shenong to put her down,
and to his surprise, he does. Goku and Suu-Shenlong power up and attack. Goku
hits Suu-Shenlong, but burns his hand. In turn, Suu-Shenlong fires a series
of blasts at Goku. Goku hides in a building and realizes he can't hurt
Suu-Shenlong with physical attacks. Suu-Shenlong tries to blast Goku, but
Goku runs and hides again. This time, he's accidentally burned by
Suu-Shenlong and gives himself away. He runs! away again, but can't escape
from the evil dragon. Goku decides to fight back, and hits Suu-Shenlong with
an energy blast. Suu-Shenlong tries to blast Goku, but fails. Goku flies
upward and uses the Kamehameha, but Suu-Shenlong is unharmed. Meanwhile, Gill
looks after Pan, but is suddenly hit by a beam of ice and loses the
dragonballs. Suu-Shenlong continues his search for Goku. This time, Goku
emerges from the sewers and repeatedly blasts Suu-Shenlong. Goku pops up
again, but can't find him this time. Suddenly, Suu-Shenlong lands on top of
Goku, burning his head. Goku runs away in the sewers, but  soon comes to a
dead end. He leaps through a fan just as Suu-Shenlong approaches. Goku lands
in an empty dam and confronts the dragon. Goku suddenly realizes that
Suu-Shenlong's blasts come from a refractive lens he makes to use light as
energy. Just as Suu-Shenlong makes another lens, Goku uses Taiyoken to blast
him hard. He! fakes being defeated, but Goku tells him that his trick won't
work because Taiyoken wouldn't kill someone of his strength. Suu-Shenlong
gets up and goes to full strength, becoming golden in the process. He reveals
that he merely covered himself with film to hide his power. In response, Goku
powers up to Super Saiyan 4. They prepare to fight, then it ends.

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