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This is Adam, the first angel, that caused the Second Impact. Man found God in him, and tryed to make him there toy, and were punished for it. He is supposedly in Terminal Dogma , but it turns out to be Lilith, the second angel.

Lilith is a freaky looking angel. Mistaken by Kaji for Adam in the beginning, but later discovered by Tabris that it is Lilith. EVA Unit 01 is made from Lilith opposed to Adam, making SEELE and Gendo value it over the others. Lilith is crucified over a pool of LCL fluid. The Lance of Longinus is jabbed in her torso to stop the growth, and the blood she releases is used as LCL, which is why Shinji thinks it smells of blood. She is kept in Terminal Dogma and is the key to instrumentality and the third impact.

This is Sachiel, the third angel. He appears in episode 1, and attacks Tokyo-3. Shinji is forced to pilot EVA Unit 01, and goes into berserk mode, finally killing Sachiel. Sachiel has a weak AT Field.

This is Shamsel the fourth angel. He attacks Tokyo-3 in episode 3, and Shinji destroys him, but disobeys orders to do so. This angel devastates its foes with "laser tentacles," but its AT Field is as weak as Sachiel's.

Ramiel, the fifth angel, makes its debut in episode 4. He may look dull, I mean it is just a big polygon, but it is extremely powerful. Anything that gets close to it is blasted my a powerful beam, and its AT Field is very strong. It uses a drill to attack NERV and penetrate its walls. It takes the combined powers of EVA Units 00 and 01 to destroy it (along with a huge sniper rifle).

Behold Gaghiel, the sixth angel. He lurks deep in the ocean blue, and attacks UN Pacific Naval Fleet. At the time, Asuka and Shinji are aboard, and they go into EVA Unit 02 (its debut) and lure it to its doom, through an intricitely woven plan. Its only weapon is a pair of extremely powerful razorlike jaws, that can rip through an EVA's body, like that!

Isfarel, the seventh angel, can multiply, making it very hard to defeat. Shinji and Asuka are forced to live together, in order get a feel of each other, so that they can work in unison, to destroy both halves of Isfarel at the same time (much like the Twin card in CCS, but that is a different story).

Sandalphon, the eighth angel, was discovered inside of a volcano, unborn. NERV sent EVA Unit 02 to retrieve it, so that they may study it. Upon catching it, Sandalphon was born, and attacked Asuka. She defeated him, inside the volcano, in her humiliating EVA suit.

Matariel, the ninth angel, attacked NERV during a power outage. This gained it the upper hand. It is a black, spider like creature, with freaky eyes, and it uses a deadly acid to burn its enemies, which happens to be EVA Units 00, 01, and02. By working together with a good plan, they managed to blast Matariel, to bits.

Gaze in wonder, at Sahaqiel. This freakish looking angel, flies in space, and drops a substance onto the ground, which in turn, has the power of a bomb. NERV sent to satillites to probe it, but they were easily destroyed by Sahaqiel. During the episode, he gets increasingly closer to the ground, and the EVA's, rip apart its AT Field and destroy it, through a joint effort.

Ireul the eleventh angel, is comprised of millions of nano machinery parts. It is in a way a virus, and almost takes control of the whole MAGI systems. Ritsuko works like hell, and is able to stop this angel. This angel has the ability to combine with matter, and has an AT Field, but nevers uses it.

This strange being is known as Leliel the twelfth angel. His shapely part has an AT Field, but he also has a deadly shadow, that absorbs EVA Unit 01. While inside, with the only support being the swiftly decreasing life support system, Shinji has a mind trip, and his mother, who's soul possesses Unit 01, helps Shinji, along with 00 and 02. When the angel absorbs something into its shadow, it is transported to an alternate universe, which is inside the angels "body."

Bardiel is the thirteenth angel, who takes control of EVA Unit 03. It attacks the other EVA's during a test run, and destroys 00 and 02. Shinji, knows there is another person inside it, and cannot attack it, so Gendo Ikari inserts the dummy plug, which pulverizes Bardiel, with Toji Suzuhara inside.

Probably the most powerful, or close to angel, is the fourteenth, Zeruel. He has a weapon like Shamshel, which is a set of razor tentacles that can cut through even the strongest of things. It cuts of 02 head and arms for example. It can launch projectiles, and can skim surfaces. It has an extremely powerful AT Field, and this makes it close to invincible. It is finally destroyed, when 01 goes into berserk mode, and beats the crap out of it. Afterwards, 01 eats Zeruel! This shows that EVA's have instincts, and minds of their own once again.

Arael the fifteenth angel, also lurks in space, much like Sahaqiel. When EVA Unit 02, attacks it, it attacks Asuka's mind directly, causing her to go "crazy." This angel was winning, so NERV was forced to use the Lance of Longinus. EVA Unit 00 hurls it deep into space. The lance zips right through Arael's AT Field, and destroys it immeidiatly, but NERV has now lost their strongest weapon in space.

Armisael the sixteenth angel, is undoubtedly, the most flexible and quickest angel. When it strikes, Asuka cannot synchronize, and SEELE/Gendo will not let 01 go out, so Rei must face it alone. The angel immediatly penetrates 00, and starts killing Rei. Gendo, not wanting to lose her, sends out 01, but before Shinji can begin his attack, Rei self-destructs (much like Heero Yuy, but that is a different story), and kills the angel...and herself. Of course then another clone takes her place.

Upon first glance, this is Kaoru Nagissa, the fifth child, but upon closer inspection, it is Tabris the seventeenth, and last angel. This angel takes human form, so it can infiltrate NERV, undetected. It can syncronize perfectly, with any EVA, and has its own AT Field. Tabris becomes great friends with Shinji, and actually "loves" him! (it is debated whether he is gay or not) He takes control of Unit 02, and goes to Terminal Dogma, where he realizes that it is actually Lilith, and not Adam. Shinji catches him, and after 1 minute and 4 seconds of holding him (literally, they actually stay on that frame for that long), finally kills it. Of course, Shinji is crushed emotionally.
