In the year 2000, an expedition was sent to the south pole. There, they found Adam, the giant of light. Man found God in him, and tryed to make it their toy. Thus the EVA's were created. EVA's are living beings, contained inside armor, and used as man's weapon. Each one has a soul. For that they were punished....
During this event, half of the world's population was destroyed, and half of the world was flooded. It is covered up by saying a meteor caused the incident.
The Dead Sea Scrolls predicted an evolutionary dead end. So Gendo Ikari, organized the Instrumentality Project a.k.a. Third Impact, the next step in human evolution, to become one single entity.
Rei Ayanami, while testing EVA Unit 00, is injured, due to the Unit going berserk, trying to kill Gendo. For inside is the soul of Naoko Akagi, and she learns of their betrayal, and tries to get revenge.
Shinji is Gendo's son, they have a horrid relationship. Shinji finally gathers enough courage, to pilot EVA Unit 01. Sachiel kicks the crap out of Shinji.
EVA Unit 01 goes berserk, and destroys Sachiel.
Misato becomes Shinji's gaurdian, and lets him live with her. Shinji goes to school and meets people. After a rough start, he becomes best friends with Toji Suzuhara, and Kensuke Aida.
Two more angels attack, Shinji and Rei are able to stop them. Shinji illegally destroys Shamshel, and resigns from NERV. But then he rejoins, seeing the threat to Tokyo-3 without him.
Ritsuko reveals to Misato, the true cause of the Second Impact.
Misato goes off to a test drive of a human made EVA. It goes out of control and goes on a rampage. Misato stops it, by going inside and shutting down the core.
Shinji, Misato, Toji, and Kensuke, go aboard the UN Pacific Naval Fleet, to pick up Asuka and EVA Unit 02. There they meet her, along with Kaji, NERV's Special Inspector.
Gaghiel attacks. Shinji and Asuka manage to stop it.
Isfarel attacks. Shinji and Asuka are defeated by it, due to it dividing in two and catching them off guard. They must live together for some time, while the angel regroups, so that they can synchronize with each other. They do, and they win.
Sandalphon, the eigth angel is discovered in a volcano, premature. Asuka goes in to capture it. In the process it is born, and attacks. She destroys it.
Gendo shows Kaji, Adam in embryo form. What, is, his, scheme?
A power outage occurs in NERV, during this time.....
The ninth angel attacks, catching NERV at a bad spot. The three EVA Pilots orchestrate a plan, and destroy it.
Misato is promoted to Major.
Shinji's harmonics tests, show he is catching up to Asuka. She is pissed off about this.
Fuyutski reveals to Ritsuko and Maya, that the MAGI select who wins the elections in Tokyo-3.
This high flying angel drops fragments of itself down to Earth which in turn explode. By expanding their own AT Fields, the EVA's manage to destroy it.
Ireul, the eleventh angel attacks the MAGI, and takes control of most of them. This leaves the EVA Pilots, naked, inside their
Ritsuko manages to work like a crazy, and wins back control of the MAGI.
During a harmonics test, Shinji's EVA goes berserk, much like Rei's did in the beginning. Shinji isn't harmed physically, but he is mentally.
Kaji, while researching NERV and the Marduk Institute (the institute which decides which children pilot the EVA's), reveals to us, that he is an undercover Japanese spy. At dinner with Ritsuko and Misato, Misato gets drunk, and Kaji carries her home. During this short time, Misato talks to Kaji, about their love.
Shinji and Gendo, meet to visit Yui Ikari's grave, not a very touching moment like it should be.
Misato catches Kaji snooping around in Terminal Dogma. She holds him at gunpoint, and demands an explaination. So he shows her Adam, the first angel, crucified, with the Lance of Longinus in his chest. Or is it Adam?
Shinji finally does better than Asuka in the harmonics test. She is steamed.
Leleil attacks, and absorbs Unit 01 along with Shinji. He survives barely, but his mother's soul, inside the EVA, helps him along the way.
NERV's second branch in Nevada is destroyed, and pandemonium is unleashed in Tokyo-3.
The fourth child is discovered.
Misato learns from Kaji that the Marduk Institute is non existent.
During the test run in Matsuhiro, the thirteenth angel, Bardiel, is discovered inside of Unit 03, and takes over. The angel destroys Units 00 and 01. Shinji cannot
face it, realizing there is another person inside, so the dummy plug is inserted, which rips the Unit apart.
Shinji is mortified when he sees that the pilot is none other than......
Shinji quits NERV once again.
This angel, probably the strongest to come and so far, attacks NERV. It destroys 00 and 01 with its destructive power. Shinji is forced to pilot again. Zeruel kicks his ass, much like Sachiel.
Shinji's snyc ratio reaches 400%, and 01 goes berserk again! It destroys Zeruel, and eats it!!!
Afterwards, Shinji is absorbed into Unit 01, and can only return if he wants to. But under the current conditions does he?
According to Ritsuko, it happened before. Naoko developed a way to save them, but it didn't work, and the pilot was lost forever.
SEELE kidnaps Fuyutski, to learn of NERV's true intention. He tells them how it all began.
Fuyutski was a professor at Kyoto. His top pupil was Yui Ikari. She meets Gendo, and introduces the two. They don't really hit it off. Gendo uses Yui's knowledge of biological engineering to start NERV. He hires Fuyutski as his co-commander. Naoko Akagi has an affair with Gendo, but when she learns of her betrayal from Rei, she strangles the young girl to death, before committing suicide herself. Rei is brought back.
NERV Intelligence catches up with Kaji, and kill him, but this is after he is able to slip Misato his information.
With her life turning to shambles, Misato falls into a sad state of depression.
The latest tests show that Asuka is doing terribly. She is also in a state of depression, which is aided by her troubled memories, of her mother, who
committed suicide, after loving a toy doll for many monthes....inside of a mental institution.
The next angel, Arael, attacks just in time. Asuka rushes out, persistant as always, but is cut short, when the angel attacks her mind directly, taking out
the EVA. Gendo decides to send Rei to get the Lance of Longinus from Terminal Dogma. She pulls it out of "Adam" (BUM BUM BUUUUM!) and now with the most
powerful weapon ever, she is ready. Rei hurls it at Arael, and it rips right through the AT Field, and takes the angels life like that!
All of Shinji's classmate leave, for fear of their lives, and the sixteenth angel attacks. Asuka can't snychronize at all, and the Unit 01 is held back by Gendo, again. So Rei goes out, and starts to get killed. Shinji finally heads out, but suddenly Rei self-destructs (::cough:: Heero Yuy ::cough::) and destroys the angel, but with the price of herself. Of course Gendo replaces her with another clone.
Ritsuko learns that Rei is a copy to keep up Gendo's undying love for Yui. Hungry for revenge, she reveals to Shinji and Misato, that Rei is the core of the dummy plugs and is many clones. She then destroys all of them.
With no one else to talk to, Shinji takes a quick liking to Kaoru Nagissa, the fifth child. He trusts Kaoru, and they become great friends. The fact that Kaoru can snychronize with any EVA, arouses suspicion with Misato. With Asuka in NERV's hospital, it is a surprise that 02 starts up. Of course Kaoru of all people happens to be Tabris, the seventeenth angel. Shinji is mad, that he placed trust in Kaoru, and he descends into NERV, chasing 02 and Kaoru. Kaoru finds his way into Terminal Dogma and finds that the crucified angel, is not Adam, but...
This distracts him long enough for Shinji to catch up with him, and behead him, after 1 minute and 4 seconds of holding him.
Without anything to stop Gendo's plan, due to all of the angels being dead, he finally initializes it.
Gendo wants instrumentality, so he can be reunited with his wife Yui, a very loving, yet greedy act.
Scene Missing: End of Evagelion |
Instrumentality, has occurred. The world has ended! Now Shinji confronts himself, and with the support of his colleagues and friends, finally learns to love himself.
Ending Notes: If this plot seems bad, DO NOT TAKE MY WORD FOR IT!!! This is a great show that can't be missed! I ommitted SO many details, and other things. The psychology is much deeper, and the characters are much more developed. I also wrote this synopsis very strangely, and in short segments, to give it a cool effect (I hope you liked it). And the fighting is amazing, there is so much action, and other things. Long story short....If you can see it, SEE IT!!!
Don't know where to find it?
Make sure you have a cable modem, or faster....
And go to KaZaA It is like Napster, only with images, and videos, and music. You can probably find EVA episodes there.