Sinzo by Efrain

"I wonder how much they have improved over the years" Shinzo reminisces on the times training for the military and how it was the military that killed his parents. His father always said vengeance never solves anything, but at least it helps you sleep at night". The memory of his father burned bright in his mind as he trained harder, increasing the difficulty meter. He trains long and hard hoping that someday finding his father's killer, or maybe even his father. Taking one last glance at the list, Shinzo thinks deeply about he mission. His Father was one who took the same job, and never returned. Like his father, he was to peacefully discuss the demands of the League of Colonies; their independence. "I always knew I'd be a major player in this game."

The warning signs and alarms flash "Unidentified mobile suits approaching" throughout the cockpit. Shinzo jumps awake from his sleep in a panic.

"What the hell...can't anyone get some sleep!" He scans area and finds that his trip to earth wasn't as long as he thought, for Earth was in plain view.

The sirens echo in the cockpit. A Female computer voice calmly adds to the lights

"Warning... Unidentified mobile suits approaching."

"I heard ya the first time...who are these jerks anyway!"

Shinzo sets to power his suit into battle mode, regardless of the warning signs; "Error; Error; Error; Cerebral link malfunctioning. Nuclear reactor not responding. Solar cells not responding. Power cells leaking."

"Damn! I just got this piece of crap upgraded!"

Without the Cerebral link, Shinzo was forced to use the normal artillery and manual targeting systems, which to his advantage wasn't tampered with. Four mobile suits and a number of fighter crafts swarmed Shinzo. "Without my energy shields, the Dragoon armor should hold, and if these chumps want a fight..." a feint grin spanned across his face. "... I'll give 'em one".

The arm scatter cannons blazed through most of the suits while shoulder missiles roared out in a storm. The Naga suit tried it's best to fight them off, destroying most of the fighters, but the other mobile suits were heavily armored. Without any real power source, he knew he wouldn't stand a chance if they used energy weapons.

A Space station de-cloaks and sends more fighters along with mobile suit Destroyers. "Damn, I'm toast". In a desperate attempt to escape knowing he wouldn't win on a standoff, he used what little remained of his power cells and blasted his tri-boosters towards Earth. They fired on him with everything they had, meanwhile the station and mobile destroyers powered their weapons.

"... Just, a...little... more..."

The emergency sirens burst though the silence flashing, "Danger. Power grid shutting down" blended with a series of other warning sirens. The Naga X22 was now a drift, but still moving fast. The other mobile suits abandoned Shinzo, along with the other fighters. A bright light comes and hits the Naga in the core section cutting through the armor and propelling him through earth's' atmosphere in a fiery blaze.

Night-shade sweeps upward with the roar of superchargers, leading the pursuit up and out through the atmosphere. Behind the black helmet the pilot smiles, his deep voice calling off the sets, "Power up the torrents, plasma, laser and ion. Prepare to enter combat mode."

The femme voice calls out, "All power cells charged. Ready in 3...2...1...Set. Attack sequences online." The sleek jet sweeps up and changes, the heavy armor shifting easily as he turns. The black suit becoming a large warrior. The torrents shift forward and with his hand auto cannon barking out it's payload of plasma shells, all the energy weapons fire, turning the sky bright like a small sun for a moment as the sheer mass of firepower obliterates the pursuit.

"That's what I'm talking about! It's about damn time! They want to play..." A sinister look filled his eyes. "... Let's play!"

Charging up the main core weapon and reflector shield to it's maximum, Shinzo rockets back towards the Station. The armor still badly damaged, the Diamond Destroyer (neutrino beam core weapon) is still operational.

"Core weapon charged in 30 seconds."

"30 seconds huh, these bastards are mine."

As more mobile suits surrounded him, feeling the adrenaline rush, he set the Naga to hand combat mode. The tiger claws and Dragoon spears unleashed simultaneously as the suit cut through one of the firing mobile suits. The slash severs the enemy in half to drift apart in space. The others now alert of the dangers of the fully charged Naga, continued to fire and the station began to charge its beam once again while the computer voice lingers in the somewhat distant background. "Core weapon charged."

"Enough! I just get this pile of crap fixed and you jerks want to mess it up. I'll take care of that. I might be the peace talker, but I'd be damned to take this."

With the Cerebral link working, Shinzo blasts the bright blue beam at the station, ripping through other mobile suits too stupid to move. The energy beam lit up the night sky on earth. In an instant, a hole was gorged out from the center thought the other side, and left for the vacuum of space to finish ripping it apart. With such damage, the station collapsed and exploded, destroying all crafts in the blast. Scared sense-less, the other retreated. "Oooooh no-you-don't. Cowards gonna pay."

Blasting the tri-boosters at maximum, he caught up to the others. "Remember me!?" The pilot turned only to see a titanium fist, but it was too late. The left punch ripped through the head, while the right tore out components of the mid-section. Then with both, he charged the Ionic Beams (on each palm) and obliterated the mobile suit. However, the beam continued through and leveled a nearby city. The last mobile suit attacked from behind with a laser sword, but the deflector shield stopped the attack cold. "At least this one got balls... let's see what they look like. Shinzo grinned behind his helmet and charged towards the last suit. Knowing he was in trouble, the last enemy suit desperately fired quick charge energy weapons. The blast was so close that it stunned the pilot. With the reflector shield still holding, Shinzo wasn't scratched. In an uppercut motion, the stunned pilot was split from between the legs on up. "I guess he didn't have any after all. O-well, dumb-ass deserved it. Now where can I repair before some one else want to be a hero."

Shinzo notices the thick black funnels of dust and smoke. Realizing what he has done, he feels somewhat ashamed. Once a thriving industrial city becomes nothing more then a mere memory. He sweeps done for a better scan, but the impact left a small crater, with glass and toppled buildings semi melted from the inferno-like blast. As the surviving population scrabbles to salvage what was left and move on, grants Shinzo the opportunity to slip in unnoticed. Scanners quickly pick up a large testing facility for mobile suits buried under 50 meters of rock and twisted metal. "Home sweet home... all I need is a door." Throwing the boulders aside, a path was cleared leading to the entrance. Now all it needs is a make over.

The sensors light up with the Station's devastation. He tunes in on the open band to here the transmission. "This is a code 17, I repeat a code 17. Geo-station has lost atmospheric integrity. Location 14453 by 109253 galactic so send help immediately."

"Looks like its gonna get ugly in here. And soon." He starts in, scanning for survivors over the crippled mobile suits.

He continues to scan the area, half-assembled mobile suits and fallen cargo lay twisted on the ground. It seems to be a military base. Strong signals were emitting from inside the complex. Someone survived. There was no sign of any functional mobile suits or humans. Shinzo ejected from the Naga, setting it to recharge in surveillance mode. Taking the Omegga A36 Pulse rifle along with battle armor, Shinzo set on foot to cancel the distress signals coming from within. The bases main power was knocked out from the blast, leaving the back-up generators echoing through the halls. Shinzo wasting no time ran down the corridors, cautious of any surprises. Closing in to the source, the stench of the dead filled the air as more bodies and pools of blood did to the halls.

"Room 00C1 locked? Solid titanium 17, a military special armor; light but extremely durable. Someone's hiding something." The signal was at it's strongest, but to him this was too easy. He leaned in with an ear on the door to hear the arguing and chaos within. Tracing back about 30 feet, Shinzo charged the plasma grenade and fired. The projectile lit up the hall as it zeroed in on the door. The impact knocked the door off the hinges with a shock-wave rippling throughout the building. There was a flutter of confusion as soldiers began springing out from the smoke filled room with automatic in hand. Instantaneously, Shinzo fired on sight. The bullets pierced through send fragments of skull and brain painted on the corridor wall. The body however, still was running with gun in hand, spastically falls to the ground still twitching. A pool of blood spanned on the ground where the head used to be. More panic and gunfire followed from the smoke filled room. Neither Unable to see nor breath form the smoke, Shinzo was at the advantage. He fired into the room, not aiming for anything in particular, hitting whatever he could. The firing stopped, but the echo still lingered. He double-checks the signal reader... Dead; the signal stopped. The smoke cleared to a visible thickness. A group of cowering scientist cuddled in the corner, still quivering from fright. Three soldiers and a general stood with hands in the air, and weapons behind the broken computers, still smoking with sparks. Stepping over the bodies and pools of blood, Shinzo carefully approached them.

"Your too late Shinzo! Give it up, they'll be here shortly to royal kick your ass from here to wherever the hell you came from." His tone was smiled sarcastically.

"Who the hell you? Since you know who I am then why did you--"

"I don't have to tell you squat! I'm the General and I give the orders here ya little piece of snout! By initiating an attack on a military space station AND land base, you just screwed yourself big-time! Now how's that!"

Shinzo raised his rifle to charge another plasma grenade. In a cold tone he spoke; "I won't repeat myself again..."

The General held his ground, shrugging his shoulders as if to call Shinzo's bluff. A sly grin stretched across his face meanwhile the others curious of his next move. Gripping the rifle hard and steady, Shinzo fired. A flash of bright light headed towards the General. His eyes contracted with the incoming orb, knowing it was now over. The projectile sank deep into the General's chest, hauling him across the room the exploding with the impact of the wall. Twisting limbs airborne rained blood through-out the room. The head, steaming and half burnt and mouth open, bounced of the computers to the floor, where it slowed to a rolling stop. The explosion sent the other soldiers flying as well. One huddled over a computer, with debris engorged in his back, and one crippled with a broken leg. The last of the tree was fine. He opened his eyes to find the nozzle of Shinzo's Omegga A36.

"He gave the wrong answer, now it' your turn. Now tell me... who sent you!"

"A-A-Asupar-r-in-nu. We p-paid him to send you and t-to sabotage y-your Naga, and t-the data t-to us."

Back at Oz, Duke Dermeil and General McMillan discussed the attack on the Oz space station, and the earth military base. General McMillan's aid informed him of the bad news. As bad as it was, the General remained calm.

" There has been an attack and one of our space station have been destroyed. We have also lost contact with the research base. Currently we do not know what is happen. I have ordered legions of mobile suits to the base." To say that Duke Dermeil was mad at this would be an underestimate. He was livid. He looks General McMillan strait in the eyes. "I order you to lead the group. And get that attacker and bring hem in dead or alive."

Nightshade burns through the atmosphere like a meteor. The soft voice inside the cockpit confirming the systems check.

"Welcome back Sir."

"Engage weapon arrays, I want everything ready when we hit the place."

"Yes sir, weapon arrays powering up, missiles online, Short, medium, long and extreme range weapons and missiles are all normal." The pilot smiles while the readings and tactical information run across his screen. In his thoughts and feelings, this threat must be stopped. Suddenly several hostile targets appear on screen. In attempt to intercept the lead streaking mobile suit, the thunder ballistic ion cannon locks on and fires. The squadrons of interceptors scatter, but the resulting ionic blast taking out half of the interceptors in an ionized cloud. The rest are quickly vaporized under the laser and plasma weapons, their superior range taking them out before they were able to get weapons lock. He continued to dive, swooping down to treetop level approaching the base parameter. Meanwhile, Shinzo continued to interrogate the soldier for questions, making sure to keep the assault rifle poised for any tricks.

"Where is they others, why is this base so abandoned."

"More than half of our troops were relocated to the main base to have their mobile suits upgraded based on the information given to us by Asuparinu. We wasn't expecting you to come so early in production."

"{Dammit, I got a gut feeling something's wrong... Why would they attack me?} What is he really after?"

"I just work for them." The soldier replied, now in a much calmer tone.

"Where's the Artillery room, I know there must be one." He signals the scientist to get up and show him. Still shaking, staggering to their feet as if being held hostage. All but one man. "Hurry!"

"Naga, systems analysis complete. All systems operational."

One scientist over heard the report and informed Shinzo: "Your Naga has a virus and isn't operational, if you battle, your systems will continue to malfunction."

"Shinzo! Come in Shinzo! Do you copy?"

A radio message came in, a female. Who could this be? In fear of no other choice he answered the call. "I copy. Who is this?"

"This is Melli. We know about what happened. This time you were actually innocent. I'm at the Hanger door, let me in!"

He quickly scurries to the hanger to open it. He can't help but hope it was really her and not a trap, but then again if it was, they would have blasted their way in by now. He flips the switch to bring the hanger door open. As the door slowly raises itself, light begins to pour in the room. The room seemed empty. Shinzo stood in the far corner of the room, shrouded by debris and junk for camouflage. Being sure to following the feminine figure and other personnel with his rifle. The others locked in a room.

"Shinzo!" Her voice echoed in the room, reminding him of his former life, his former love of a forgotten life. Finally he gives in. His voice echoes in the

"I'm over here, my Naga is damaged"

"We have supplies, but not much time, our forces have engaged the enemy, but I'm not sure how long they will hold."

"Then can you fix it in time? They're gonna nuke this place any minute."

"Maybe, I'll try." She signals the others it's OK, and to retrieve other supplies need for repair. Meanwhile, Shinzo is both grateful yet suspicious of his sudden cooperation. He hasn't seen her since the rebellion against the military control on Colony C6 in the Gamma sector. They regrouped back at the hanger where repairs and upgrading was started."

Mean while Nightshade and his army was quickly knocking off the out-gunned interceptors. Just as the newly developed armor was being installed, the Naga radar systems detected a magnetic disturbance. "Unidentified Military mobile suits approaching"... they were close by.

"Damn! Let's move it people, they're gonna kill us if we don't get the job done fast enough." They used the other fallen mobile suits for scrap, adding finishing touches to the Naga. With the power cells charged and a new core upgraded, the Naga was nearly complete. Shinzo jumped in to the cockpit for a complete systems check. "Shinzo, here!" The friendly scientist gave Shinzo a disc containing new programming for his battle mode.

"This program not only checks for viruses, but also clones them to use on others, along with EMP and positronic ions to damage electrical components. You might need this on your battle." The scientist smiles, and nods for Shinzo to take it. Reluctantly, he takes it. Still suspicious, but is running out of options, and time.

The computer voice had a broken yet scratchy tone. "Virus scanning complete. Loading Plague Kiss and FCC focuser installation complete." Shinzo thanked the scientist in a nodding smile, then powered the Naga for battle.

"Melli, Melli come in. we're getting our tails kicked, too much firepower... requesting immediate back up now!"

"Jason, order all troops to fall back. Thats an order!"

"...Roger that..."

Night-shade notices the retreat and orders his men to engage the enemy, while he and the others find the Naga. He uploads the Naga's data to the other pilots, warning them of its capabilities he witness first hand form the space battle. Nightshade was badly damaged, but not destroyed. The emergency eject systems managed to save him, and the bright explosion screened his retreat and descended towards Earth. They surrounded the Base.

"Target in sight... Fire!"

They fired endlessly on the Base with everything they had, still no sign of Shinzo, nor the others.

"Melli, your pilots won't stand a chance, we have to get out of here and help." Melli glanced at the Naga, and a stroke of pure desperation comes to mind. She turns to towards Shinzo. Her long hair flowed to the other shoulder.

"They want you right? A sly grin evolves on her face. " Well we'll give them what they want!"

Shinzo returns her grin with a dumbfound "Huh!"

"Well, not you, but your Naga. Father here has been working on something for you. Right, Dad?" She turns to her father. It was the generous scientist. He approaches Shinzo nodding.

A friendly smile greeted Shinzo as he spoke. "Long time no see, huh boy?" The dumb look seemed plastered to Shinzo's face, as if things couldn't get any stranger. "I am Cano, I remember you back when you used to climb in through my baby's window at night... scrawny-little thing you were." Nudging Shinzo in the ribs. Shinzo's dumbfound expression faded, realizing he now has allies. "Come with me, son." They walked down to the developing lab in the sub-basement. Far off explosions shattered the complex as they walked. The other prisoners still locked in the room, all except Melli's father, who mysteriously escaped but didn't cross anyone's mind as to how. They got of the elevator and entered the massive lab. The lights came on, gleaming off of something in the far reaches of the room, a new mobile suit. The light reflected off the Blue camouflage armor and heavily armed (much more than the Naga). Cano turned to see the expression on his face, "So what do you think of my 'little' secret, the Naga-Sygma Z24.

Shinzo stood in awe at the towering machine before uttering the words: "I like it..."Still staring at the blue suit with gaping mouth.

Cano smiled and continued. "I see... well you should, after all...I designed it according to the original Naga stolen during the colony wars six years ago. I spent many hours in the lab developing better firepower and defense mechanisms while you snuck in my window. Little devil, lucky I'm not a grandfather! " Cano smiled. Exposing the last remaining teeth in his mouth, causing Shinzo to blush two shades of red. "By the way... how did you end up with the original?" An explosion sounded in the building, shaking seismically as an aftershock. Cano forgot about the question, yelling "Quickly Shinzo, we haven't much time."

"Right!" Shinzo boarded the Sygma, "how do I work this thing?"

"Slide your arms and legs into the sheaths, the electrodes should respond immediately."

Shinzo did as Cano instructed. The Sygma responded by slowly lowering the helmet, which was a much newer version of the Naga's cerebral uplink. Cano's yell echoed in the room; "it's just like virtual reality, Shinzo!" The helmet joined to Shinzo's head as a stream of data and tactical information began streaming into his mind; the two were now one. The massive Blue soldier stood fully erect. The new design and weapons made it seem almost alien. With that in mind, Shinzo set the Naga to Auto-attack-mode level 11, (destroy all targets with no mercy) while he and the Sygma flanked the other side in a squeeze of mobile suits.

"Thanks Cano for the tip, and in case I don't make it alive...(meanwhile charging the thrusters and triple reflectors), sorry about the window, but the door was always locked."

The two smiled, each aware of the others expression. The roar of the engine blared as the Sygma lifted into the air, breaking through the roof and the floors above it. Debris fell from the hole; some burned from the shields. Cano walked under the hole and gazed to the evening sky, as the Sygma became a bright star in the sky, ever fearful for Shinzo's safety.

Shinzo II

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