Corny Comics

Ok, here is something interesting that you may or may not know about me. I can not draw. Nope not a single lick. But I do have a terribly dirty mind and the not so unique ability to see, ahh, potential in screen caps. So here is what I think they should be saying...

My kid sister's handiwork.

To read my views on the whole Ken/Miyako ending of season of 02, go here.

Yeah, I know there are a lot of screencaps here from Digimon World Tour Part 3, but come on! Try and tell me you have not seen that episode at least a hundred times. Yama-kun and Ken-chan running around in Aztec ruins for 15 minutes. Who could say no? Frankly, I rate this one right up there with Ken's Secret, and if you're visiting a Kensuke fanfiction site, you can probably understand my attachment to that one. I'm sure you can also understand all the anti-Miyako ones as well.
