
      Daisuke use to believe that he was the only one who ever felt like he was living a false life. He use to believe that no one would ever really understand who he was; that no one would bother with discovering if the happy-go-lucky grin was real.

      Daisuke wrapped his arms around Ken more tightly, bringing the slight frame only that much closer. He could feel the rise and fall of ken’s chest and hear the soft whoosh of his breath as he slept calmly. Daisuke allowed his eyes to close momentarily, his own deep fatigue beginning to weigh on him.

      Ken was the only person who had refused to accept his excuses of fatigue or the casual I’m fine. At times it almost seemed as if the older boy did not so much listen to what Daisuke was vocalizing, but rather to the continuous monologue that flowed through his head. Ken was the only one who understood how much the other’s jokes at his expense hurt, or rather his own nagging fears as to their truth. Amazingly enough, that was all he needed--just one person to give a damn. And it was with that knowledge that Daisuke was able to fall off into a restful sleep.
