Heiki: Here we'll be showing off all of our comicbooks and other manga related things. We have mangas from: Gundam, Fushigi Yuugi, some DBZ, Ranma 1/2, Evangelion, Card Captor Sakura, Yaroiden Samurai Troopers, and we'll try to get some on Tenchi Muyo!(if anyone has any Tenchi, Evangelion, or Ranma 1/2 comics can you please send them to us because we can't seem to find all of ours), first manga being shown is and old japan style version of Gundam (no gundams but all of the characters are still there, also no translation for this on either), this comic is about Duo and hoe he gets into a fight with a mesterious ninja (I think its ovious who the ninja is), and in the comclution to that comic its pretty much the same thing only with qautre instead of Duo.