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Here it is. My great obsession. Digimon. Actually, I don't spend anywhere near as much time on it as I used to. The pressures of coursework and all that.

You should spend more time on Digimon dammit. One in particular. ME! You used to worship me. You used to lead a cult of faithful followers ready to lay down their lives for me! Now looks at you. Creating a poor excuse for a website like this!

You think you can do better Prozac?

You're damn right I think I can do better.

Very well then, prove it. I'm turning this section of the website over to your tender care. And gods help you if I find it to be substandard.

WHAT?! You have got to be fracking kidding me! I can't do this!

I can't think of anyone more qualified to do a page on Digimon than a Digimon. Now get cracking.

Okay. Fine. I can do this. It can't be that hard if that idiot can do it. Now, how to fill the space. I know, I'll put some screencaps together. That should keep them occupied until I come up with something decent to do. Heh and then there's all those really suggestive shots... You know, this might not be so bad after all...

Digimon Tamers Screencaps


Suggestive Tamers Screenshots












