Izumi Ryu's Fan Fiction Page
Welcome to my fanfiction page. My current works are the Blue Card Diaries, Odyssey of Ryu, Renegades, and Fight Against Extinction. My first Sonic fic, Legend of Neo Chaos, is coming soon.
Otherwise, here are the fics:
Completed Fics
- Through the Rift(Odyssey of Ryu)
- Renegades(Chimera Saga)
Current status
- Alamo Diaries: 9 chapters comleted, Chapter 10 in progress.
- Blue Card Diaries: 2 chapters completed, Chapter 3 in progress.
- Renegades (re-write): Prologue and 1 chapter completed, Chapter 2 in progress.
You can also find my fics on Mediaminer or Fanfiction.net.
- January 7, 2005: Site is being given a much needed update. Renegades re-write is up, as well as new chapters to Alamo Diaries and Blue Card Diaries. Links edited and added, and a new "Theme song" page.