Konnechi wa minisan!!!!! Welcome to Kayu's Temple! Here you can view all of the cuties of Kayu (that's me)!!!!! But there are other things to do besides drool over hot guys! Read reviews of animes, VGs, and mangas! Lot's to do! WARNING!!! The owner of this site might have a sick mind sometimes, so if you are under......10?.... then you might want to turn back now where children and little animals can go to! Arigatou!!!!
3/8/02--- I had to close the mp3s page for... uh... secret reasons. -_-'''' Gomen. It has something to do with my 'new' site. Ja!
2/16/02--- HELLO! Seems like forever since I last updated! But it's only been 8 days. Anyways, for updates I added 3 new reviews, 2 new mp3s, and 4 new pics that I drew in the 'My Art' page. GTG! Stuff to do! JA!
Fanfics Thank you to all of the people of the following: May, Spheredra, Diane, moo-moo (sorry Lyssa), Emily, Squall, Mommy, Daddy, and all of my loyal fans (if there are any)! None of these animes belong to me. This is just a fan site. The only things that I own are this website, and Cheplo. ^_^ He's not going to like that. Cheplo is the little, magical, cat thingy that goes around the site bugging me. Cheplo is (c) by Kayu Ishida (that's me) so don't steal him! If I stole any pictures from your website then please email me so that I can put your link on my site. Arigatou!!