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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs Home Page
Welcoming all Bernese Mou

*Samson's Story *My Gang *Sunny,Simmy,Barney,Pixie,Herb,Ida *Friend's Gallery *In Loving Memory*
*Histio Roll Call *Berner Veterans *Bernese Art *Berner Fun Stuff *Berner Articles & Info* CancerInfo*

*Berner Shop *Longlease Links. *Humour *Guestbook. *Berner Fundraisers *LostandFound *Rescue*

*click here* for the most recent updates.

Welcome to Longlease

Home of Jean & the Gang

Bernese Mountain Dogs, cats, sheep, goats, ponies and me!

This picture was compiled for my Christmas Card in 1998 by my very good friend Marian Wilding-Jones and shows me with my gang at the time. My two Bernese Mountain Dogs, Sunny and Sam; my goats, Abbi and Elli; Welsh Mountain Ponies, Arthur and Andy: two ewes, Hoppy and Poppy, and lurking in there, my three cats, Pipsqueak, Sooty and Snowflake.

Since then so many things have happened. Sadly, Samson developed T Cell Lymphosarcoma in the Spring of 1999 and after a very brave fight lost his life on September 30th that year. He was and still is so much missed by us all.

Samson's Story
<click here>

Then Monster BMD Pup, Simeon, joined the Gang in October '99 and grew as fast as he could to fill the empty space in our hearts. Here's Simmy at just seven weeks!

Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy, Simeon

In June 2002 we also adopted, Barney, our third Bernese Mountain Dog.
The Gang is ever expanding!

Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs.
Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs - Spring 2003
(Barney, Sunny and Simmy)

In September 2004, we were again to face a very difficult time. Shortly after his fifth birthday, Simmy was suddenly off his food and lost weight rapidly. The most dreaded diagnosis of all, Malignant Histiocytosis. Simmy died within a very few short weeks, we were all stunned at losing this Boy so very fast.

I had been running a website, Histio Roll Call, for two years previously in conjuction with many fundraisers for research into this awful cancer. MH is currently affecting many of our Bernese Mountain Dogs from all over the world and it is heartbreaking to lose a young dog so very quickly. Adding Simmy's page to this Roll Call was one of the hardest things I have ever done.

Simmy's Story
<click here>

Please check out this section of the Longlease Site to find more information and how you can help:

*Histio Roll Call*

October 11th 2005 - a year later - we grieved so much for Simmy, but a few weeks ago we celebrated Sunny's 11th Birthday and last week collected a new Bernese Pup, Sunny's Great/Great/Niece to join the Gang.

Once again we have sweet Berner puppy breath and new hope here at Longlease.

BMD Pup Pixie
Bernese Barney, Sunny, Jean and Pixie Pup

December 2005 and we have our neighbour's terrier, Spike, come to visit for a while, here we are setting off for our walk in the woods. Pixie has grown so much!

Barney, Pixie, Sunny and Spike
T - B Bernese, Barney, Sunny, Pixie and Spike

"Come on, Spike! We're going this way," says Sunny.

Sadly on January 3rd 2006 we were to lose Sweet Sunny Girl to hepatic disease age 11 yrs 3 mths, she did so very well, still enjoying her walks, up until that final day when she died peacefully in my arms in her sleep

For Sunny's Final Story
<click here>

November 5th '06 and seems we now have a new member of the Gang!

Spike has been staying with us for the last few months was supposed to be for a few weeks?

Snow Dogs
Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs, Pixie Pup and Barney, having fun in the snow
with wanna- be-a -Berner, Spike!

November 2007 and again we have had sad times

Foster Spike went back to his original owner in March of this year and, so very sadly, we were to lose Barney in July of this year after a very brave fight with cancer, bronchial sarcinoma

Barney's Final Story
<click here>

At the moment we have just the one Bernese Mountain Dog, Miss Pixie, now two years old.

Our three cats, Pip, Sooty and 'Flake continue to do well as do the goats, Abbi and Elli; our ponies, Arthur and Andy; and our mini-flock of sheep, all descended from my two original ewes, Hoppy and Poppy

Bernese Pixie and the Ponies
Pixie and the Ponies - First Snow, Nov. '07

Pixie and I go walking!

Sadly in March 2008 we lost Abbi Goat aged 14 yrs though Elli continues to do well, she has been missing her sister though and the past few months has been choosing to hang around with us.

{short description of image}
Pixie and Elli

Sadly in June 2009 we lost Elli Goat aged 15 yrs, she and Abbi had enjoyed very long and wonderful lives here at Longlease and are so much missed by us all

and on December 31st 2009 we were to lose kitty, Snowflake, so very unexpectedly to a URI aged just 13yrs

Jan. 4th 2010 - Our Indoor Gang is now just Pixie, Pipsqueak and Sooty.

We hope that this new year will bring us good fortune and new members to replace our so very sad and recent losses.

Our two ponies, Arthur and Andy, continue to do well now both aged 14 yrs and we currently have three ewes, Ella aged 10 yrs, Rosie aged 4 yrs and Rosemary coming up to 2 yrs old.

May 18th 2010 - Introducing Herb our new Bernese Boy!

He came for two weeks but will be staying!

With many thanks to June Miles for entrusting the care of this very precious boy to us. He and Pixie have been having so much fun together. Herb has been with us just a few short weeks but it feels like he has always been here


July 31st 2011 - Introducing our new Berner pup, Ida.

Life is looking up here at Longlease!

This latest addition to our Gang is Herb's granddaughter.

We are a three Berner household again for the first time since Sunny died in 2006.

L (down) Herb, R (sitting) Pixie, Front (playbow) Ida

With so much sadness on January 18th 2012 we were to lose Herb too very soon to a histiocytic disease

<Herb's story here>

So many wonderful memories of this very special Gentle Giant!

With much sadness we were to lose Pipsqueak on December 30th 2012
Such a very brave fight for the last 9 mths against a brain tumour
Such a very sad loss as she was our oldest member of the Gang

<Pip's story here>

June 2014 and sadly the loss of the last of our original Longlease Cats

In Loving Memory of
August 1995 to June 26th 2014
dx-ed hyperthyroidism April 2012

August 16th 2014
to the Longlease Gang

{short description of image}

With so much sadness on February 10th 2015 we were to lose Pixie too very soon to chondrosarcoma
still so very stunned this happened so very fast

<Pixie's story here>

So many wonderful memories of this very special girl!

Our indoor Gang is now Berner girl, Ida, and Little Miss Purdy.

Our outdoor Gang, Arthur and Andy, Welsh Mountain Rescue Ponies are still doing well!

Check out the links below and explore the Site to see the pictures of all my Bernese Mountain Dogs and the other members of the Longlease Gang over the past many, many years. So many happy times though at times shadowed by such sadness.

Check out the "Friends' Gallery" where you will find pictures of Bernese Mountain Dogs and a whole load of other critturs too from all over the world who have become our very special friends. Enjoy the "Humour" and "Berner Fun Stuff" pages and explore the "Links" to many other great animal sites.

On the "Articles and Info" page I will continue to add information concerning all aspects of living with a Bernese Mountain Dog from breeding to feeding, most recently the links re. canine cancer care.

The "Bernese Art" page is updated with links to the very best animal animal portrait painters and "Berner Shop" with links to the very best Berner Goodies around. On the "Berner Fundraisers" page you will find links for the latest fundraisers being held worldwide on behalf of the breed, please donate generously. These fundraisers help so very much in so many different ways, from helping fund that so very important database from Berner-Garde, to Rescue Work and even funding Research for cancers in the Breed. By donating just a small amount you can do so much to help here and there are some fantastic prizes to be won! Another recent addition to this site is the "Berner Veterans" page, there has been so much concern about the short life expectancy of our Berners recently, I felt it was time to make a special place to celebrate the life of those Bernese Mountain Dogs who make it into double figures, any of you who have or have had a Berner achieve 10+, let me know!

Bookmark this page, "Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs" and keep up with the current adventures of Bernese Mountain Dogs, Pixie, Ida and the rest of the Longlease Gang and the latest additions to our site!

And BTW don't forget to stop by and sign the "Guestbook"!

Enjoy your visit and keep those pics coming in!

Love Jean, Ida and the Longlease Gang
Hereford, UK

In Loving Memory of Tinka, Samson, Simmy, Sunny, Barney, Herb, Pixie and all our angels

<contact us>

Happy Berner

*Samson's Story *My Gang *Sunny,Simmy,Barney,Pixie,Herb,Ida *Friend's Gallery *In Loving Memory*
*Histio Roll Call *Berner Veterans *Bernese Art *Berner Fun Stuff *Berner Articles & Info*
Cancer Info*
*Berner Shop *Longlease Links. *Humour. *Guestbook. *Berner Fundraisers *LostandFound *Rescue*
*Recent Updates*