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Lord Yugi
LordYugiYugioh: King of Games

It's More Than Just A Game...

Lord Yugi


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Obelisk the Tormentor

Slifer the Sky Dragon

Winged Dragon of RA


Lord Yugi's Rant Section 04/16/03
It's great to be alive! I'm invincible! Okay, I guess you're all wondering why I'm so happy. No I didn't get a new girlfriend! And no I didn't win any money! I'm still a *Ronin, I quit one of my 2 jobs, and classes are going terrible...But I'm still so #### happy today! Today all feels right with the world, and it has nothing to do with girls, anime, or yugioh! For once it just feels good to be me.




Card of the Week 04/16/03
This week's Card is Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer, a Super Rare from Labyrinth of Nightmare. This card makes La Ginn, look crappy! (Sorry Genie dude, but tough tamale!) Anyway Kycoo has an attack power of 1800, is lv 4, a dark type, and has a special ability: "When this card inflicts damage to your opponents life points, you may remove up to 2 cards in their graveyard from play." What hottness is this, oops your not planning on getting that Mirror Force back are you?! Oops, so much for reviving the Blue Eyes White Dragon! Oh I'm sorry Jinzo won't be coming back out to play today! This 3vil card is definately going in my deck, fear my D4RK L33T $killz!



LON-062 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
ATK 1800/DEF 700 LV4

Combo of the Week 04/16/03
This week's combo is not one I use in my own deck unfortunately but one I managed to stop with a well timed Dust Tornado. After using Cyber Jar, to summon the necessary monsters to the feild during a 4 way chaos game, my opponent used an interesting combo...he offered his monstes to Buster Blader, which had no hope of defeating my 6500 ATK/5200 DEF Summoned Skull,(I pulled that off during another opponets turn after Cyber Jar, but then he finally activated his trap card as I declaired my attack, "Dna Surgery" which ment since I had used United we Stand and Scapegoat's combo to power up my Skull, I had 5 monters on the feild, and another opponent had done something similar with scape goat and still had out 3 tokens, and another opponent had 4 monsters on the field, we all thought things were lookign grim especially since between us we also had 2 Red Eyes Black Dragons in the Graveyard! so together that was 14 Dragons his opponents had on the field or graveyard! so Buster Blader's Attack went up by 7000 making him 9600 the strongest monster we've ever Played with! Of course Dust Tornado wiped the grin off his face along with Offerings to the Doomed. But man was that a close one.



PSV-050 Buster Blader
ATK 2600/DEF 2200 LV7PSV-026 DNA Surgery
Announce a monster type, all monster's face up on the field are considered that type

News Update 04/10/03
Great News another Booster Set will be hear in June Legacy of Darkness, I will try as soon as possible to hook you guys up with a spoiler list, since June 21 is my birthday I'm goint to ask friends and family for box sets of Legacy of Darkenss, then once I've made my spare Dragon Deck I will happily hold contest for packs of LOD and also have give aways for my doubles. I'm also going to use my discount at the book store I work at to buy a few dozen packs. Hehehe I love my job!



Lord Yugi

SiteUpdate 04/10/03
Well I finally applied the new layout to the bios page, and series page since you guys visit that alot, I also finally got around to post the card and combo of the week, tomorrow I hope to post my deck list for you so keep checking the link that says Lord Yugi's Deck. Its actually quite good and got me far in the tournaments. As buy new cards ever week or so My deck will probably be updated. Pictures have been added to the bios page. I still need a picture of Shadi and one of Ishuzu and of Duke Devlin. I'm looking for pictures of the Egyptian God cards, i have the Japanese version of the cards, but I need some screen shots to complete their indivivdual mini shrines. I only have one decent picture of Slifer, one of Obelisk and none of Ra, so please if you have pictures of them email them to me and I will give you credit on the site. Also Im looking for anyone interested in joining the staff, im the only one doing it right now which is why i don't update as much as some other people like Yugioh Dungeon.

If I get a staff I can make archives and also do a card and combo of the day instead of every week. My webcomic's first few pages are almost done and I hope to post my duel with Yugi comic at the end of the month if not sooner. Not all of the comics will be about Yugioh, some wil be Magic the Gathering, Halo, or Pump it Up/Dance Dance Revolution. If you're interested on working on a Yugioh comic with me about normal ppl who play the card game email me, I'm working on such a project with a freind of mine, we're going to call it "Duelist".

Some of you may remember my old Yugioh music videos from when this site first started. Well after several remakes I still don't consider any of them near what I can usually do so I'm recruiting some help from one of my buds and Anime Arsenal, he's a sorta genius when it comes to music videos, even though I've been makeing them longer. Anyway Next week I will have all the old videos up including some you didn't even know I made, and within a month or so me and Ken should have our new video finished, it will probably be a Battle City spoiler about the 4 way duel between Yugi, Kaiba, Joey, and Marik.

Oh yeah tomorrow I will do some more work on my Fanfic so I can acutally post it for you guys, and if I'm not too bored I will apply the new layout to the millenium itmes section. And oh yeah tell me who you think I should affiliate with besides Anime Arsenal.








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