Sailor Moon S The Movie
USA English Dub: Hearts On Ice

    High above earth past the moon in space, a white ice comet is streaking towrds our planet. Princess Kaguya stared at the earth, caressing it with her hands and saying how beautiful it was. Then she she released seven crystals that fell through the atmosphere.
    At an observatory, a man with blond hair looks at the moon, and sees the bright light and the shining crystal as they fell. He stares at the seven crystals falling to the earth from outside his house and he takes off in his car after one that had landed near by. When he got to it, he found a sparkling red jewel on the beach, and approached.
     Usagi, Chibi-usa, Makoto, Rei, Ami, and Minako were all out shopping. *Moonlight Densetsu in playing* Rei starts looking at some mystical objects like crystal balls and such, then picks up a magnifying glass and looks through it and her eye looks really big. Chibiusa shows up with a Usagi voodoo doll and Usagi gets ,mad but then Chibiusa starts controlling Usagi with it.
     Minako tries on different outfits in a store, and shows them to the Senshi. She puts on a t-shirt with English on it "Love never changes" with cute hearts, then tries on a nice Catholic school girl type outfit. They nod at the outfits, then she comes out wearing a tight red velvet dress and a fur coat over it and with Artemis drooped around her shoulders, and Usagi, Chibiusa, Rei, Ami, and Makoto all get sweatdrops as she smiles.
     They all start looking through manga. Usagi and Minako read manga together and they start to laugh at their manga. Ami brings a large pile of books, nine to be exact, up to the cash register, and all the girls at it and look down, ashamed.
    Each of the Senshi try out a punching game except for Ami. Usagi gets a very low score of 35 and the punching ball hits her in the face as it swings back, Rei gets an 85 and Minako gets a 65 but Makoto hits it without effort and gets 100, and all the Senshi turn up and congratulate and clap for her.
    Setsuna, Haruka, and Michiru approach Usagi, who is facing a food stand. Haruka taps her on the shoulder, and she turns around. Setsuna, Haruka, and Michiru are very surprised at Usagi's appearrance. Usagi is shown to eating a fish cookie and holding two ice cream cones in each hand. She munches on the fish cookie, which is halfway out of her mouth, and grins. *End of Moonlight Densetsu*
    Usagi and Chibi-usa are munching on steaming meatballs as they watch a huge TV screen high on a building. The reporter talks about a group of scientists, including Natosaki Himeko, who are going into space to study the moon in the Lunar Frontier Project. Chibiusa realizes that the ship was going to the moon. Usagi says how wonderful it would be if she and Mamoru could go to the moon on a spaceship on a romantic cruise. Luna begins to lecture Usagi about studying for the high school exams which are coming up soon, and Usagi replies that she is a woman in love, and that Luna had never been in love so she wouldn't know what it was like. Luna looks down, and sneezes, then replies that Usagi was right and nobody loved her.
    Chibiusa and Usagi crouch down and Chibiusa asks if Luna was alright. Luna replied that she must have gotten sick and needs to rest. Artemis approaches from the rest of the Senshi who are sitting at a bench, and offers to walk Luna home. Luna replies that she didn't want Artemis to treat her like a sick person, and walks off. Artemis stares after her.
    Luna walks down a sidewalk, then begins to get dizzy. Her vision becomes blurred. She starts to cross a street with a bunch of people, but collapses before she can get to the other side. Meanwhile, the light has changed and cars begin to cross again. Luna notices a car about to run her over, cries out and shuts her eyes.
    A man runs in front of the car and grabs Luna before it runs her over. The car slams to the side, and the driver sticks out his head and cries, "Idiot!" Luna opens her eyes to see Kakeru, the same man who discoverede the red crystal. But her vision becomes blurry as she passes out again. Luna begins to wake up, in a bed. Kakeru walks up and says she should go to sleep, and she purrs as he tucks a towel around her. he hen abs at her forehead with an ice cold cloth and she falls asleep contently. Luna wakes up again later on, and sees Kakeru sleeping in a chair next to the bed she had been sleeping in. She relized that he had stayed up all night and taken care of her, and she blushed red because she couldn't believe that someone would do that for her.
    Usagi, Chibiusa, Ami, Rei, Makoto, and Minako are outside Usagi's house. Usagi mentioned that Luna hadn't come back since yesterday, and they were all worried. Artemis said he knew that that would happen. Minako mentioned that Luna could have run away, and everyone stares at Usagi.
    They begin to ask questions, and then Rei asks if Usagi abused Luna. Usagi becomes very angry, then starts crying out that Luna was always yelling at her and calling her names. Usagi said that Rei was even meaner and stuck out her tongue, and Rei goes, "Oh yeah!" and sticks out her tongue. They battle it out and finally Artemis stops them and says they should go out and look for Luna. The Senshi split up in search of her.
    Kakeru wakes up, and sees Luna awake. He offers her food, which she begins to eat from a bowl. The door rings in his house, and he answers it. Himeko walks in, and Kakeru looks very surprised. She said that she would be going into space soon, and he congratulates her. She looks a little disappointed that he didn't say anything more, but he continues and talks about a meteorite he had found earlier. Himeko is surprised that she hadn't found that out from NASA, and he replied that they didn't believe him because they hadn't seen it.
    Himeko asked if he was sure he'd seen it, and Kakeru shows him the jewel he had found. He said that perhaps it was Princess Kaguya, and Himeko lectures him on believing and such things when he was a scientist. She tells him thjat he keeps on watching the moon and believes in such fairy tales. They begin to get angry, and Kakeru tells her to get out because he wasn't feeeling well. Just before this announcement, the crystal he found glowed and Kakeru gts weak. She leaves, but stays and listens behind his door.
    Luna approaches Kakeru and Kakeru tells Luna that she was going into space, and that he had always wanted to do that but he had been too weak. He takes her in her arms and asks what her name was. Luna was about to say "Luna!" but stopped herself. Kakeru guesses and tried "Tama." *That's Mitsukake's cat in FY! Tama is a popular cat name in Japan*  Then Kakeru noticed the bald spot on her head that resembled a crescent moon. He thought that her name could have something to do with the moon, like, "Luna?" Luna meows very loud, and Kakeru said that Luna was a very fancy name, so she must have a sophisticated master. Luna becomes embarassed as she thinks about Usagi. Kakeru laughs and gives her a plate of star candies. He said they were like shooting stars so maybe if Luna wished oin them while eating them, he could see Princess Kaguya. says there must not be any princesses living on the moon. Luna shakes her head and meows.
    kakeru laughed and smiles, saying that Luna believes him. He talks about an ancient fairy tale called "The tale Of The Bamboo Cutter" involving a moon princess and that he believes that princess kaguya existed. Suddenly they hear the door open. Kakeru and Luna walk out to see Himeko, looking crestfallen, walk out the door. He realized that she had heard everything.
    Luna was sitting facing outside. She kept thinking about Kakeru and how he saved her.
    Meanwhile, Princess Kaguyaa finds she can't find her last jewel. She sends her Snow Dancers out to search for them. She had wanted the Earth since it was sucj a beautful planet. It would become a treasure in her collection. She talks about her past, where she had tried to freeze the earth before but a bright light had stopped her. She said that this time she would freeze the earth and add it to her collection finally.
    Usagi and Chibiusa were out searching. Suddenly it begins to snow and they watched in awe as the pretty snow falls down. Then they notice Snow Dancers appear and start freezing everybody in the buildings and streets. An Snow Dancer comes after them, but they only run. Snow Dancers begin to attack and the Inner Senshi run up, and they transform.All saying, "Mars Star Power Make Up!" etc.
    Setsuna, Haruka, and Michiru are having lunch together in a restaurant. Suddenly the ice monsters begin to attack outside, and the ice break the window they were sitting by. They all jump to their feet, run outside and they transform. The Snow Dancer releases a blast of ice and they all jump out of the way. Sailor Pluto attacks it with her staff and Sailor Uranus finishes it off with her "World Shaking" attack.
    Usagi and Chibiusa keep running away from the monster. Suddenly they both point upwards. The ice monster looks upward and Usagi and Chibiusa quickly dash into a building. The Snow Dancer looks back, sees them gone, and becomes confused. Chibi-usa transforms with, "Moon Prism Power, make up!", and Usagi transforms with, "Moon Cosmic, make up!"
    Sailor Jupiter uses her "Supreme Thunder" attack on one of the Snow Dancers and knocks her back. The Snow Dancer still comes after them, so Venus uses her "Crescent Beam" attack on it and breaks off the Snow Dancer's arms. The Snow Dancer falls, and the Senshi remark what a creepy monster that was. Suddenly the Snow Dancer rises and flies towards them. Sailor Mercury uses her "Shabon Spray" attack and stops it, and Sailor Mars uses her "Fire Soul!" attack and melts it it. The outer Senshis attack and kill alot of them with their own attacks.
    Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi Moon come out and do their introductory phrases. Suddenly the Snow Dancer begins to circle them and appears to split into several Snow Dancers which circle them. Sailor Moon becomes dizzy, and Chibi Moon tells her not to be fooled, but then Chibi Moon is shown to be dizzy too. Sailor Moon snaps out of it, and confidenly points at one of the Snow Dancers with her heart rod, saying that was the real Snow Dancer.
The Snow Dancer disappears, and Sailor Moon cries out, "It was the wrong one!" Suddenly the real Snow Dancer attacks her from the side, and knocks away her heart rod. Sailor Moon and Chibi Moon fall, and the Snow Dancer was about to attack them when...
    A rose flies by and stops her!
    Sailor Moon and Chibi Moon look up... to see Santa Claus in a blimp flying above them. The are both perplexed.
"Santa?" Santa Claus waves saying "Merry Christmas!" Then Tuxedo Kamen rips off his clothes and finishes, "And a Happy New Year!" Sailor Moon and Chibi Moon cry out, "Tuxedo Kamen!" Tuxedo Mask goes through his introductory phrases, and the Snow dancer shrugs and attacks. Then he tells Sailor Moon to use her attack. Sailor Moon nods, retrieves her heart rod, and uses her, "Moon Spiral Heart Attack!" on the Snow Dancer. A huge heart appears, and destroys the Snow Dancer. Sailor Moon, Sailor Chibi Moon, and Tuxedo kamen watch the people return to normal from a roof top. The ice around them disappears and they all looked ocnfused but resumed their lives.
    princess kaguya was in her liar again and she was cursing the existence of teh meddlesome Sailor Senshi.  She summoned more Snow dancers and asked them if they found the missing crystal. They said no and she ordered to conitue seraching sicne it had the power of freeze the plaent. She xplians agoin saying she was attacked by a bright white light and she was banished, travelking a long hard journey. Now she needed was that oone piece. Back at kakeru's apartment, the red crystal glowed and he gasped in pain as Luna watched helplessly.
    The Inner Senshi and Outer Senshi are on a bridge and talk about the Snow Dancers that had attacked them earlier. Chibiusa looks to the street and then sees Luna. The Inner Senshi then they see Luna! Usagi runs over and hugs her, then Chibiusa asks where she'd gotten the yellow ribbon tied around her neck. Luna remembers when Kakeru had tied it on and told her to come anytime. Luna shakes her head from the dream, and then says there's a mysterious comet approaching the moon they have to check out. Usagi goes, "A comet?"
    Outside Rei's temple the Senshi are all sticking brown muffins in a fire. Ami says she did some checking and there was no report of Luna's comet. Rei mentioned that Ami's computer was pretty thorough. Minako arrives late, and apologizes, saying she'd seen a good looking guy on the way. Artemis asks where Luna was, and Usagi says that she had some business to take care of. In the background Chib-usa is munching away at a muffin and she says that Luna had been acting strange, and Ami said that Luna had come over to borrow her medical books. Minako mentioned seeing her at the Space Science Authority's observatory and she didn't reply when Minako said hi to her. Usagi says something must be wrong, takes a bite of her muffin, and cries out because it's too hot.
    Luna looks through some medical books but can't find out what Kakeru was sick with. She then goes to the observatory and looks in through his glass window, while Kakeru coughs and Himeko helps him. Luna pushes the door open, but Himeko won't let her in because he was sick and Luna was a cat. Luna can't believe she won't let her in because she was a cat.
    At a park, Usagi tells Mamoru about how strange Luna had been acting, and Mamoru says that maybe Luna needs some time to herself, and that she shouldn't worry so much and chase Luna around. Usagi suddenly becomes sad and says that Mamoru doesn't want her around anymore. Mamoru drops his book and cries, "No! That's not what I mean!" Luna walks through the park, thinking that if only she were human she could take care of Kakeru. She notices Usagi and Mamoru. Mamoru asks why she thought he was talking about her, and Usagi mournfully says Mamoru thought she was chasing around too much. Mamoru said he never found her chasing around annoying.
Usagi asks, "Really?" And Mamoru says "Of course not." Usagi hugs him, and they kiss. *Usagi had to stand on tiptoe and I found that so cute!* Luna watches them.
    At Usagi's house, Usagi brushes her hair humming "Moonlight Legend" Luna says she smells nice, and Usagi shows her potpourri. Luna asks what Usagi and Mamoru talk about, and Usagi laughs and says they talk about various things, but he was studying so much that they didn't have a lot of time to chat. She says that when he talked about things he was interested in, he became very enthusiastic. She goes, "And then..." Luna goes, "And then??", thinking of the time they kissed. Usagi says he always falls asleep on the couch. Luna falls over, exasperated. Usagi says he looks very cute when he's napping - like a baby. She said she's happy because Mamoru trusts her and feels secure around him while he's sleeping. Luna hesitates, then asks what his kiss tastes like. Usagi becomes surprised, then says it tastes sweet, like something melting in your mouth.
    At night, Usagi and Chibi-usa are both snoring in bed. Luna wakes up and goes climbs up on the dresser. She tries to open the potpourri lid, but it's stuck. In bed, Chibiusa and Usagi turn over onto their side going, "Mamo-chan." She'd pulled off the lid, but was so off balanced so she fell off the dresser. The potpourri spills on her, but the can falls over and hits her on the head.
    At Kakeru's place, he wakes up and sees Luna at his side. Kakeru asks if she came to see him, and she very cutely meows. Kakeru says he used to have a dream of becoming an astronaut, but he said he was too weak for such a demanding job. He mentions that he seemed to be getting weaker. The jewel lights up, and Kakeru jerks. The jewel becomes dark again. Kakeru reaches under his pillow and pulls out a picture of himself and Himeko in lab coats. He says that he would have to stay around until Himeko takes off for space. He says that Himeko had achieved their impossible dream. Kakeru asks Luna to wish with him for her successful mission. Luna meows.
    Kakeru strokes Luna, and says its funny that, although she was a cat, they seemed to know each other perfectly. Luna meows again. Kakeru says the earth must be beautiful from space, and wishes he and Luna could see it together. Kakeru hugs Luna, and says she smells good. He then falls asleep. Luna remembers what Usagi had said about Mamoru napping. Luna wishes that they could got to space together too. Luna kisses Kakeru. She blushes bright red, then is seen running home in front of the rising sun looking incredibly happy.
    At Rei's shrine, Rei says she saw Luna returning home early looking very happy. They all gasp, and Makoto says she must be in love. Usagi goes, "Love?" Makoto says she's in love at last. Artemis looks devastated, and Minako says that perhaps Makoto was just wishing it. Makoto mentions the yellow ribbon, and Chibiusa agrees. Artemis walks mournfully out of the room with his head down. As soon as he's gone, Minako tells them to be more considerate of Artemis. They all apologize, but Usagi goes, "Huh? What was that?"
    Ami asks if Usagi hadn't noticed, and Usagi jumps up and goes, "What? What? What?" Makoto says that Artemis had a crush on Luna, and Usagi becomes very surprised. She then becomes very happy. Rei asks where Usagi had been, and she says she thought they were good friends. Rei calls her a dummy. Makoto thinks about being in love, and Ami says that they were so busy preparing for high school exams that they didn't have time for meeting boys. Usagi goes, "Except for me! I've got Mamo-chan!" She looks up and everybody had turned away from the table. Rei says to ignore her, and Minako says Usagi should stop showing him off.
    Ami thinks about her first love, and Makoto starts to think about that man again. Minako wonders what her first love was doing now, and Rei agrees. Chibi-usa goes, "Ahhh..."
    At a restaurant, Haruka says they vanished completely, and that things had been very peaceful the last couple of days. Michiru goes, "Has it really?" She asks if something was wrong, and Haruka says that it must be her intuition. Setsuna says she thought time had stopped.
    Princess Snow Kaguya laughs, and tells them to keep daydreaming. Under the water, ice begins to form.
    Luna runs out of Usagi's house, and Artemis is in front of her. He says that if there was something making her worried. Luna apologizes, but says she's in a hurry and runs off. Artemis stares after her, and Luna thinks, "I'm sorry, Artemis." Usagi sees her run off, and follows her. Luna climbs up the stairs to Kakeru's place and enters. Usagi follows her up the stairs cautiously, peeking in the window. She sees Kakeru, and thinks that must be the person Luna was in love with. Himeko enters, and says she would be leaving this afternoon. Kakeru wishes her success. Himeko thanks him. She pauses, then says she'd return as soon as she could and take care of him.
    Kakeru interrupts her and tells her not to bother. He says that they were no living totally different lives, and that she only saw the moon as a satellite revolving around the earth, but that wasn't the way Kakeru saw it. Himeko gasps. Kakeru says she'll probably find someone better suited to her. Himeko's hands are shaking as she says that if that was the way he felt about her, then she understood. She says there must be nothing left between them. Luna gasps when she sees that Kakeru is gripping his blankets fiercely. Himeko goes, "Is there?" Himeko says that he was right, she didn't believe there were any mysterious beings on the moon. Kakeru goes, "That's enough!" Himeko begins to cry, then runs out. Luna gasps.
    Kakeru pulls out the picture of the two of them in lab coats again, and begins to cry. Luna thinks that he really loves her. Luna walks down the stairs, looking heartbroken, then sees Usagi. Usagi asks if that was the man who...
Luna says that Kakeru was a fool, that he should hide his illness from Himeko. Luna says that he loves Himeko so much. Usagi whispers, "Luna?" Luna says that she was being even more a fool to think that there maybe had been something between Kakeru and her. She said, "But there could never be..." Luna looks up and wishes he was a human. She said that if she was a human she could be with him. And that she could tell him her feelings so she wouldn't have to suffer. Luna starts to cry, and Usagi hugs her. An Snow Dancer flies down and peaks in Kakeru's window. Luna and Usagi look up.
    The jewel lights up, and Kakeru starts to gasp for air. Suddenly it begins to snow in his room, and Princess Snow Kaguya appeared, and saw the jewel. Usagi and Luna run up and try to open the door, but it's stuck as ice grew over it. The jewel flies to her, and she laughs, saying that the jewel had absorbed his energy and become even more powerful. Kakeru says, "So that comet was... Princess Kaguya was..." Kaguya says that was a pretty name, and said that yes, her ship was approaching the earth. And as the whole planet freezed, he would become a part other lovely collection.
    Usagi realized that they hadn't given up on the earth, and that she would have to tell everyone. Luna said that the cause of Kakeru's illness was the piece of the crystal from the comet. Usagi said that he would be fine then, but Luna said no. Usagi looked in and saw he was gasping for breath. She went, "Why?" and Luna replied that the crystal was linked to him, so it would keep taking his energy until he died.
    Kaguya said it was time to freeze the earth and make the planet an eternal glacier. She threw the crystal into the water, and it sank to the bottom. Suddenly everything began to freeze quickly. the glacier grew to an ermonous size and kept growing out of the water. Kakeru cried out in pain as more of his enrgy was taken away.
     Artemis goes, "I remember now!" The Inner Senshi look at him, as he said that he read about a story once when an evil comet appeared a long time ago and spread ice crystals around the earth that covered it with ice, turning it into a dark planet of stillness. But that Silver Crystal power, the power of love and friendship, melted the ice and saved the earth. He said that it was happening again. Rei said the evil comet sounded like what Luna had been talking about. Minako wondered how Silver Crystal Power had stopped it before. Ami said that it was clear the comet had come back after a long absence to take over the earth again. Makoto slammed down her fist and said, "We won't let it do such a thing!"
    At the Space Science Authority, scientists were talking with Himeko. She thanked them and walked outside. Usagi walked up with Luna, and Himeko recognized Luna from Kakeru's apartment. Himeko asked if Luna was hers, and Usagi nodded. Usagi then said that she should postpone the Lunar Frontier Project because a dangerous comet was approaching, and that there was an evil ice princess on it. Himeko said she didn't understand what she was talking about, but Usagi said that the ice princess was trying to freeze the whole planet and that it was too dangerous to go into space. Himeko got into her car, then said that that was ridiculous. She said she'd had enough of fairy tales, and slammed the door. The car drove off. Usagi went, "What do I do now?"
    Kakeru cried out in his apartment. Luna said that maybe if he saw his life-long dream, Princess Kaguya, he could regain his strength and beat the curse f the crystal. Luna said that if she were only a human, she could be his Princess Kaguya. Usagi said that even if she could become a human she wouldn't be able to. Luna said that she didn't care what happen to her, she only wanted to save Kakeru's life. She said she might sound foolish talking like that but she didn't know what she was going. Luna said that appearance of Princess Kaguya was the only hope of saving him. Usagi stared. Luna said, "But I'm only a cat, after all..."
    A TV newscaster said that the cold weather was reaching everywhere in the world, even in Africa. Usagi stared at the TV and Luna said this was all her doing. Usagi's communicator beeped, and Ami appeared on it saying that they'd figured out the invader's plan. Usagi looked at Luna, and she smiled. A huge glacier was appearing out of the ocean, with Princess Snow Kaguya at the top. She laughed. The ice spread across the ocean. Snow Dancers flew across the world, freezing everything in their path. Kaguya laughed, saying everything would be hers. Suddenly rose petals flew by, and Kaguya looked down to see the Outer Senshi.
    Sailor Uranus went, "Wherever trouble is, so am I, to clean the mess. Here I am, Sailor Uranus!"
    Sailor Neptune went, "So am I, to deliver victory to the people. Here I am, Sailor Neptune!"
    Sailor Pluto went, "And here I am, Sailor Pluto, preserving peace for all time. We won't let you accomplish the evil you're plotting."
    Kaguya laughed and said, "There you are, Sailor Senshi." Snow Dancers appeared and flew towards the Senshi as she went, "But it's all too late!" The Snow Dancers threw ice at them, and they jumped out of the way. Neptune used her attack, and destroyed three Snow Dancers. Kaguya laughed, and the jewel lit up. Three more snow dancers began to appear out of the glacier. They threw ice at Uranus, and Uranus dodged and used her attack, destroying more more. Pluto used her attack and destroyed four more monsters. Kaguya laughed and told them to knock off the cheap tricks. Thousands of Snow Dancers appeared out of the glacier, and Kaguya told them to freeze them slowly so they would suffer. Mars used her attack and destroyed several Snow Dancers. The Inner Senshi joined the Outer in a line. Kaguya said that it didn't matter how many Sailor Senshi there were. The Snow Dancers attacked. Mercury used her attack and destroyed a bunch, but they kept coming. Venus used her attack and destroyed a line of Snow Dancers with her chain. Jupiter used her attack and destroyed a few, but they kept coming. A whole group of them prepared to attack the Senshi
    Luna entered Kakeru's room, and saw that the wasn't there and the front door was open. She couldn't believe he was wandering around when he was sick. She ran out the door, and Artemis watched her leave. Kakeru stumbled down the road, saying that Himeko shouldn't go because other Princess. He whispered, "Somebody... please let her know." Before he collapsed in the road.
    Neptune and Mars were about to use their attacks, but three Snow Dancers knocked them. Uranus and Venus were about to use their attacks but  Snow Dancers grabbed them by their hands and threw them into an ice wall.
Snow Dancers were attacking Mercury. Jupiter was hitting them away and freed Mercury, but one hit her in the arm. Another knocked her over. Pluto was whacking Snow Dancers away with her Garnet Rod, but two Snow Dancers grabbed it and the third punched her hard. She fell over. Kaguya said that there was nothing more they could do and created two balls of energy with her hands. She was about to through them when a voice cried, "Stop right there!"
    Kaguya went, "Who are you?" The Senshi cried out, "Sailor Moon!"
    Kaguya couldn't believe there was yet another Sailor Senshi. She asked what Sailor Moon thought of her icy planet which would join her collection. Sailor Moon said they wouldn't become a part of her stupid collection.
    Luna ran down the street looking for Kakeru.
    Kaguya said that they would have an eternal part in her glacier, where they would enjoy peace and tranquillity without feeling sadness or fear. She said it would be wonderful.
    Sailor Moon said, "Who wants that?" Sailor Moon continued that she'd rather choose to fall in love and be hurt
    Luna found Kakeru, covered in snow in the middle of the road. He whispered, "Hime..."
    Sailor Moon said that sometimes she couldn't even sleep because she loved someone so much. She remembered Luna crying, and said that there was always sadness in our lives, but that sadness keeps us going. The Sailor Senshi stare at her when she said that when we overcome our sadness we can hope for happiness in the future.
    Kaguya went, "Enough of this sentimental crap! You will all become mindless ice statues!" She created her two energy balls again and threw them.
    Sailor Moon jumped out of the way. Kaguya said the entire universe belonged to her. Sailor Moon said she was a selfish woman who never knew what love was. She remembered when Luna said she didn't care what happened to her, she only wanted to save Kakeru's life.
    Kaguya held out her two energy balls.
    Sailor Moon powered up to Super Sailor Moon using the Sacred Cup. *Ah! So this means this happened before Sailor Saturn appeared and becme Mistress 9!* Kaguya gasped. Super Sailor Moon remembered Luna saying that if she was a human she could be Kakeru's Princess Kaguya. Kaguya threw her two energy balls at Super Sailor Moon, and Super Sailor Moon used her, "Rainbow Moon Heart Ache!" attack.
    The energy balls broke up her attack Sailor Moon was thrown backwards. Kaguya said that would be the end of her. Sailor Moon pulled herself up and said that her beautiful icy world would only be a dark land of death. Kaguya said that she was suffering, and that she would remove Sailor Moon's pain. She created a blast.
    Sailor Moon pulled herself up, and said that a world without life wasn't beautiful. She brought her hands to her chest and her locket opened, revealing the silver crystal. Sailor Venus stood up, and said that if she used the silver crystal she would die! Sailor Uranus stood up and said they wouldn't let her die.
    All the Senshi stood up and Mars said they should help her. Mercury remembered Artemis' words about Silver Crystal Power, and cried out, "That's it! This is the legendary Silver Crystal Power!"
    The blast Kaguya was creating began to grow.
    The Senshi began to approach Sailor Moon, and the Snow Dancers started flying towards them again.
    Tuxedo Kamen destroyed two of them, and told Sailor Chibi Moon to join the rest of the Senshi. They all took hands and joined in a circle around Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon said they would save everyone. She lifted her crystal above her head. The Senshi began to circle Sailor Moon crying, "Silver Crystal Power!" All of them began to cry a bright white. Where the Senshi's hands met a beam of light was created that went to the silver crystal. Sailor Moon was lifted off the ground, creating a pyramid of white light. The Snow Dancers tried to attack them, but got destroyed when they touched the beams of white light.
    Kaguya cried out, "Enough!" Her blast became huge, and exploded, creating a stream of dark energy. Sailor Moon opened her eyes, and her crystal created its own blast. The powers struck each other. Kaguya recognized the light as the same light that had hit her before. The dark power began to overcome the white, and Sailor Moon closed her eyes. She thought of wildflowers swaying near a lake. "Every planet in the universe is filled with the energy of many vibrate lives..." She thought. A bird was seen on the branch of a field of yellow flowers. "Listen, you can hear them too." A crab crawled out of the ocean. "We were born in the small planet called earth." A squirrel was munching on nuts on the ground. "Each of us may be just a tiny, powerless life force..." A sun rose over a group of birds. "But we want to enjoy our small lives as much as we can..."
    The blast grew even stronger, overpowering the dark energy. Kaguya screamed, and broke apart into pieces of ice. The glacier broke apart, and the blast from the earth destroyed the ship in space.
    Sailor Moon begged the crystal to make Luna human, if only for tonight. The crystal glowed.
    The clouds began to break apart to reveal the moon. A beam of light appeared from the moon, and shown on Luna and Kakeru. Luna looked up, and began to glow. She was lifted upward and transformed into a human shape. Her hair grew long, and her eyes turned blue.
    Kakeru woke up, and saw Luna wearing a yellow and blue dress and floating in the air. Kakeru asked who she was, and she replied that she was Princess Kaguya. Luna took his hand and they flew above the earth. Kakeru couldn't believe that he was in space. They watched the sun rise, and Kakeru couldn't believe it was so beautiful. Luna smiled at him, and Kakeru smiled back. Then he noticed the crescent moon on her forehead and the yellow bow around her neck. He went, "You're..."
    At the spaceship, Himeko watched the sun rise and thought it was beautiful. Suddenly a burst of power appeared and flew past the moon. Himeko couldn't believe it, and thought it could be the princess of the moon. She wondered if that was what Kakeru had seen!
    Luna told him that he would have to keep going on, and would have to be there when his true princess returns. Kakeru gasped. Luna said that he would have to be there for the one who truly loved him. Kakeru smiled, and nodded.
    Kakeru said, "You made my dream come true. Thank you, Lun-"
Luna stopped him, saying that she couldn't stay there for very long. In front of the moon, they kissed. She said, "I have to got back to the moon..."
    Kakeru woke up in the street, and stood up.
    Sailor Moon was brought back to the ground, and collapsed. Tuxedo Kamen caught her and they all cried out, "Usagi!" Sailor Moon looked up and whispered, "Luna."
    A plane took off at the airport, and a bunch of reporters ran over to Himeko. They asked how the flight was and how the moon looked, and she replied that she'd seen Princess Kaguya on the moon. They laughed and thought it was a joke. She saw Kakeru standing in the airport with a bouquet of roses. He smiled at her. Himeko ran and hugged him. Luna watched them from the second floor. Usagi asked if she was all right, and Luna said "Of course. I'm a strong cat."
    Kakeru was about to give Himeko the flowers when a bag of star candles fell into her hand. Kakeru was surprised, then smiled when he realized what they were. Luna began to walk away when Artemis appeared in front of her. She looked down, but he welcomed her home.
    Luna asked, "Why are you..."
    Artemis blushed, then said that he had always been on her side.
    Luna stared at him, then cried out, "Artemis!" She ran up to him.
    Usagi watched them and smiled, then Mamoru put his arm around her. The two couples smiled at each other.
    As the credits went by *Moonlight Destiny as the end song*, the two couples, Luna and Artemis and Usagi and Mamoru, stared at the sunset on a beach. As the sun set and the moon came out, they leaned into each other.

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