Angel's Son ~ Part One Fredrick sat alone in his room one day, exhausted from an ordinary day.  The light in the room highlighted his elongated face, with dark brown hair slicked back to an extent, glasses, and imperfections strewn across his face.  He wore a shirt that faded from black at the top to red at the bottom, and black denim underneath.  He sighed, thinking of the normalcy that ran amuck that day.  Another day, alone, without friends, without much of anything, except status quo.  Not that he hated status quo, he appreciated the fact that nothing rather bad had happened to him or his family.  He wasn’t a particularly lucky person, even though he knew that he made his own luck. He was a rather two-faced person, as he looked reserved and quiet most of the time, although at times when he got angry, his temper took him and tossed him around like a children’s toy.  He lived so much in the lives of others, that he didn’t even realize his own.  Most of the time that he lived in other’s lives was in anime, that wonderful artwork (or so he was led to believe).  He knew the characters by heart, knew their every nook and cranny, and analyzed them to the point where they seemed very little like real people, although they would seem just the same as a real person to a bystander.  That was where his heart came alive, in the realms of those fantasy worlds that he most liked to explore and was never able.  He questioned what would he do if gotten the chance, but he knew deep inside that he would never get the chance to live in some far-off universe, and he knew that if he did, it would definitely not be the idealized self he would imagine so many times.  Yet, there was an unsatisfiable need in his soul, a need that no one in this world would ever be able to quench.  He wanted a world not ruled by the instincts that ruined so many.  He wanted a world that didn’t have death, pain, and suffering.  He wanted a world of innocence, of harmony.   Never did he know, that need was about to be fulfilled. That night he slept in his bed, feeling a deep need, a deep trusting in something, but what?  His heart cried out to all the people he had known, all the people he had a chance to help but missed, all the imaginary characters he had seen and never known, as his train of thought shifted yet again to all his desires, all his passions which overtook him over the years, the forces that made him do so many humiliating things, as he looked into the face of adversity, the face which stumbled so many people and things, shattering it into a million a pieces as he was thrown into another place, going higher and higher as his consciousness was scrambled and expanding, sending him into a dizzying frenzy as everything exploded and imploded into him, his entire being changing, as pitch black came over all. The next thing he knew, his thoughts were said out loud, still no light.  He covered his mouth, thinking that he slipped up, but realized he couldn’t do it.  It was a new state of consciousness as he was immobilized with words coming out that he didn’t want to say.  A very terrifying prospect, even for those who wished upon it.  He thought for a second, a blinding light blasting on his face.  "Oh, so thoughts can trigger reactions, if I try hard enough…"  He brought a hand to his face, although it was quite hard trying to focus on a hand when eyes are screaming from discomfort.  His eyes adjusted to the light, as he realized there was nothing around him, nothing for miles and miles away.  His mind turned to the person he most wanted to meet, the one he had adored, for what it seemed foolish, although he knew it wouldn’t hurt just to meet him. "Hello, my name is Quatre Raberba Winner," the young man said with a smile. Fredrick trembled, although he knew he had caused him to appear, the mere thought of him looking at him straight in the eye, addressing him was too much to take.  He had on his usual attire, as to what he knew of him from the anime he saw.  He was clad in a white, almost periwinkle, almost pink dress shirt with a purple vest on top of the shirt.  Below his shirt he wore a belt that fastened loose-fitting khakis.  His face was a soft tan, blue-green orbs adorned his face with goggles on his forehead, parting blonde locks of hair.  Quatre ran to his side as he fell, helping him up.  A feeling of incredulousness graced Fredrick’s eyes as he could do nothing but collapse against Quatre in a hug, his vision of Quatre blurred by tears. "Please, give me a second to collect my thoughts," Fredrick exclaimed as Quatre slowly let him down on the ground. "Yes, whatever pleases you, Fredrick…but remember, I’m still here for you," the blonde man said. After what seemed like 10 minutes of silence between the two, Fredrick began. "Where am I?" "You’re in a special place that was activated by your will.  All of your life has been collected in this area and you may do what you please, as your imagination has no limits…" "But, you, you’re the Quatre I’ve known, the one that is true.  Am I correct, or is this just some kind of thing that involves only my memory of you?" "This is me.  This is how I was meant to be.  I’m not being skewed by your opinion of me, because this is not just your memory, this is every single person in the entire world’s memory.  It’s just that you are the first person to access it, thus you are able to do as you please.  In addition, I have my own free will as I was created by everyone’s thoughts and since imagination can go anywhere, I have detached myself from your memory." "Really?" Quatre nodded.  Fredrick took another 10 minutes to swallow everything down.  It is there that he began to pour out his heart and soul. "Quatre…" "Yes?" "I’ve loved you more than anyone I’ve ever known, even if you were a figment of one’s imagination.  I am a lonely person in the life that I lead, not that I hate it, it’s just disappointing.  I wish I could share my life with someone, and I know that I will never be able to receive a perfect, innocent love in my life, except from the Deity that I worship, although I’m afraid I worship you more than It," he blushed as he said the final sentence. "Wow…" Quatre said.  I’m flattered.  It’s amazing how people work and act and behave…it is a mystery that most probably no one will be able to explain, and I can see where you’re coming from." "Well, in my world, gender is a big issue, but I still felt that same love for you, and I would, regardless of what gender you were, simply because of what you stood for.  You had my views on life, you had my attitude toward it, and I knew that you were the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, even if I didn’t even utter a word toward you," Fredrick blurted out. "If that’s the case, then you should be a lot like me," Quatre mused. "I wish I was, but I fall short in so many things.  I just try to be nice to others, try to show respect, although sometimes it’s not in my nature to be nice, I get bitter at times, I’m not friendly at times, and I have a bad temper," Fredrick looking down as he said that statement. "Oh…no one is perfect, no one should be perfect.  I’m not perfect.  You’re not perfect," Quatre said. Quatre looked longingly into Fredrick’s eyes, touching his chin and raising it. "I’ve waited all my life for someone like you, Fredrick,"  Quatre said. "What?" Fredrick asked? "You’re the only person that I have ever seen that has openly displayed their emotions, ever…You’re one of a kind, being able to come to a place like this and create me out of pure love, and then describe to me exactly how you feel about me, without holding back…it’s amazing to find you, Fredrick." Quatre said. "Quatre…I love you," Fredrick sighed as he brought his lips closer to Quatre’s. "I love you too," Quatre said as he was brought into a long, passionate kiss, embracing each other as their world came together in vibrant images, as they began to float in the air. "Oh…Quatre, I want you to love me,"  Fredrick moaned. "I want the same for you, my love,"  Quatre quietly replied. As they rose in the air, they let their true naked selves be revealed. "Quatre, become one with me.  I want you.  I need you.  I love you.  With this my life will be fulfilled and complete.  I beg you from the bottom of my heart," Fredrick gasped. "I will, and we will never be apart.  Just remember that I love you and I will always love you until the end of time,"  Quatre said. "Thank you, Quatre, thank you," Fredrick cried out as they were about to join together. With one movement, Quatre filled Fredrick, an unexplainable feeling coming from his entire body, an aura that also wrapped around Quatre as they were embracing.  As Quatre slipped himself further and further into Fredrick, he started to cry as well, feeling Fredrick’s insides. The two were now joined, intertwined in their bodies, as everything Fredrick and Quatre knew about their lives flashed before their eyes, the completeness of their action filling themselves. They floated higher in the air, their pace being quickened at the same time as they were truly one with what they were doing.  They meshed not just physically, but emotionally, and spiritually, becoming one body and one soul. As their ultimate climax neared, the only thought on their minds now was that they were truly one, only one, and would always be one as they came together.  With that moment, Fredrick fell back into the oblivion, watching as he fell, now one with Quatre, into the oblivion, the two unable to comprehend any rational thought as blackness overtook them. Fredrick awoke in his bed, having brought a piece of his dreams with him.