Angel's Son ~ Part Two The sun slowly made its way upon the black shades of the room, slits of light breaking through, one managing to land on Fredrick’s eye as he awoke slowly. He had extreme trouble attempting to pick up the pieces from one of the most intense series of images in his life. It all seemed unreal to him, he thought, but he knew it in his heart that what he felt was real. Then why wasn’t Quatre there for him? He looked at the empty expanse of bedding in a half-awake state, not realizing that his love was actually under the covers beside him, as hot tears began to fall, dripping onto the sheet, as he cursed his existence, dreaming what he thought was his eternal love only an illusion. Even though he was crying, he indeed noticed breathing underneath the sheets, and listening closer, he heard the sounds of a voice, muffled by the extra layer, as the person underneath the covers shifted and slowly sat up, revealing his face to Fredrick. "Fredrick, why are you crying?" Quatre asked. Fredrick was at a loss for words…still crying, but not able to think of anything to say to respond. Quatre gazed at Fredrick’s face and was amazed that he, too, was able to stay together through what had happened before. Quatre placed a hand on Fredrick’s face, watching the tears as they fell. "What happened?" Quatre questioned. "We…we made it…" Fredrick stammered out. It was the only thing he could say as he wrapped his arms around the other, needing the contact, never wanting to let go. "Fredrick…I’ve never seen someone love someone as much as you have toward me. You’re too kind, you’re too honest," Quatre stated with a deep longing for his love. "You mean everything to me." "Quatre, you fit every description you said yourself…and I’ll never let you go…!" Fredrick almost cried out as he embraced Quatre as tight as he could. Quatre, seeing Fredrick’s affection toward him, could not help but to weep himself, the immense pressure that dimension traveling required, sapping both of their bodies as they continued to cry, letting go of all they had left, as they rested on each other, drifting to sleep. It was evening when Quatre woke up, still in the bed, rested and invigorated as he waited for his love, brushing back matted platinum blonde locks as the other slowly made his way into consciousness. "Fredrick…my love, we’re together. What would you like to do?" Quatre inquired. "You know that I only want what you want, Quatre," Fredrick replied. "Well, I know that you’ve been through a lot lately, and I don’t want to rush you…" Quatre said. "And…?" "Would you mind it if we made love?" Quatre asked. "I wouldn’t mind, Quatre. I want to express my love incredibly bad, and I feel deep inside as if this is right, regardless of what others may say." "I agree, Fredrick. My love for you, and apparently, your love for me, is so strong that neither I nor you can contain it." "Please, become one with me. I want to feel you inside of me again, and I want to know that it’s real." Complying with his order, he removed the sheets from the bed, revealing their true selves to each other. Fredrick moaned with the sight of his lover, sending chills up his spine and a fire in his heart as he lay on the bed, letting Quatre take him. Quatre then went on his ankles, climbing on top of the other boy slowly, member extended, in what Fredrick thought was the most erotic and wonderful sight in the world. Quatre then rubbed against the portal to Fredrick’s mind, body, and soul, and pushed his way inside. The two shuddered collectively as Quatre made his way to the hilt. The two were intertwined, staying still as they felt each other intimately. "Quatre…making love with you is so amazing. And I want you to know that what I’m feeling right now can never be equaled…ever." Quatre kissed Fredrick, giving his answer as he began to thrust inside of him. Passion flew through their bodies as they continued eye contact with each other, a perfect rhythm realized as pleasure flowed through both of their bodies like a river. They continued, slick bodies rubbing against the other as sweat poured from their bodies, taking it gradually as they grew to a glorious climax. As the two were just about to let go, Quatre slammed into Fredrick harder and harder, an aura, a faint blue, surrounding the two of them. Quatre closed his eyes, fully blushing, a content smile on his face, centering everything that he had, his entire being into what he was about to release. Fredrick closed his eyes as well, the only thing on his mind was joining with Quatre. Finally, his final thrust pierced every portion of Fredrick’s soul, creating a period of unconsciousness for the two of them. When the two came to, they were in darkness. Fredrick opened his eyes, aware of a new consciousness flowing around him. It was similar to the first time he had made his way through, the time when he met Quatre to fulfill every possible need in his life. This time, Quatre stood before him, not out of a helping gesture, but out of one with pure love, as bare as he was toward Quatre. "What is this place?" Fredrick asked, a air of uncertainty surrounding his face. "Fredrick…what we are right now are souls. What we did was so powerful that the walls between the spiritual realm and physical realm collapsed, and we are our true forms," Quatre stated "How do you know all of this?" "I came from this realm, I was born here, thus…I know these things as well as I know who I am deep inside…" Quatre replied. "What we are here is pure. There are no imperfections, no hatred, no opposition. It is simply our separate beings, and our love for each other." Fredrick nodded, feeling incredibly light of all the bad feelings, all the grudges he had held through his lifetime. They simply were not able to exist in this place. "What can we do here?" asked Fredrick. "We could combine our souls," said Quatre in a suggestive voice. "But I thought we did that the first time…" Fredrick stated. "We did, but what happened was our souls were able to pass by each other, drawing contact for a time, then separate. What we’re going to do involves actually entering our souls and not letting go, although there is no way that two souls can become one permanently, since it would be improbable, and would cause more harm than good." "How so?" "If two truly became one permanently, then one soul would have to swallow up the other, and that wouldn’t be good…" Fredrick shook his head. "Indeed…" Quatre looked into the other’s eyes. "Are you ready, Fredrick?" Fredrick stood, hypnotized by Quatre’s eyes, about to feel the most insane pleasure of his life. "I’m ready. And I want you to know that what ever happens, that I will never stop loving you, even if I lose my soul and become a part of you." "Fredrick, through all of my life that I remember, I have never seen such a sweet, gentle, and caring person as you. You mean everything to me, and I want you to know that every word you said applies to me as well.’ The two prepared to be joined once again, not needing a physical organ to begin as they stood embracing their own bodies as the power they were about to release was shown, the two looking into each other, and then within a few minutes of embraces, the process began, the two floating in midair, each one glowing as both of them incised a hole into each other’s soul and pressed in. A bright light shone among the darkness of the soul as the two were now one soul, embraced in the amazing display of love and purity as they both felt the most amazing feelings they would ever feel. With the insertion, Fredrick did not shudder or throw his head back or any usual response that pleasure would entail. Instead, he continued to stare at the love, realized as a being that was in front of him, entering the love at the same time. The love had parted locks of blonde hair and blue eyes, realizing what and who was doing this to him. A shock of pleasure immersed his brain, as astoundingly, he felt what Quatre was feeling, and remembered everything that had happened to him, including his days as a pilot of a Gundam. More and more pleasure racked his brain, his feelings, emotions about him were transferred, each additional surge of information adding to the dizzying pleasure that he had. The world was turned upside down as Quatre surged into him, making him surge at the same time, since he knew what Quatre wanted, and Quatre knew what he wanted. All of their life, everything both had lived for, all their hopes and dreams, was centered into that very moment, the two now truly, wonderfully, amazingly, undeniably, completely one. Perfect. The first gushes of their passion burned into their skin as the two separated their souls, now completing their passions in the physical realm. Burst after burst of their love flowed every which way, never stopping. The two lay on top of each other, their seeds still flowing. They could only say one word, and they said it together. "Perfect."