Angel's Son ~ Part Five Fredrick and Quatre walked into their room once more, grasping their hands as Fredrick closed the door behind, locking it. Fredrick stopped, taking time to look at his love straight in the eye, the two of them smiling happily. "Quatre...I love you...everything about're the perfect person for me, I don't care what anyone says, you're mine, and I'm yours..." Quatre responded thoughtfully. "You continue to amaze me, my love, you're too sweet, kind, and gentle to me...I don't deserve any of this love you're giving me..." "Oh, don't say that. You too are too sweet, kind, and gentle...much sweeter than me, and plus you've had to go through what so many died through, and still with that pure heart. I almost cannot believe you're standing before me..." Fredrick blushed, his emotions racing through his heart pouring out to his love. "But it was your thoughts that brought me here in the first place..." "Quatre..." Fredrick now held his love tightly in his arms, the two seemingly unseparable. "It was my thoughts that brought you here, but it was your pure heart, your wonderful nature, and that love, that love exuberated from your soul, that made me need you in the first place..." Quatre was stunned. "Fredrick...I don't know what to say..." Fredrick pulled their faces closer to each other, until their foreheads were about to touch, Fredrick now whispering. "I love you, that's the only thing I believe, the only thing I know...I love you..." He took their lips and finally touched, a blaze of their love that circled them as they closed their eyes, their love opening a wonderful world to them. Quatre was overwhelmed in every way, he had never known or expected how much Fredrick indeed loved him, but he knew that he had loved Fredrick the same, if not more, for in both of their eyes, they were equal. They pulled back from the kiss, the two panting from the passion they had felt, although knowing that much more was in store for them...the two slowly removing their clothes, both immediately aroused for the pure love they had for themselves and only themselves, now pressing their bare bodies together, kissing all the while as they made their way to the bed, the two falling down, their love clouding their vision as they embraced, kissing passionately and madly. The love and passion blinded them to a point where it almost didn't matter how they did it, because it was the same to them, anyway...even though Fredrick made his way away from his love to open himself for Quatre. "I'm...ready..." Fredrick choked out, the entire situation leaving him blushing all around his body, still managing to hold his love around him as they came closer and closer, the pace agonizingly slow as Quatre inched his way toward Fredrick's entrance, finally meeting with it, a long groan uttered from both participants as Fredrick said his final words before surrendering to what was about to take place. " are my world...please, make us one once more..." Quatre, after being slightly speechless through the proceedings, spoke, gently and calmly in contrast to what was happening:: "'ve done more for me than anyone in any world could...I am be one with you...and it will start right now..." Quatre finally broke through Fredrick's seal, the agonizing wait now not as bad, but the feeling of Quatre entering him made him croon in pleasure. "Thank desert prince... " The two smiled as Fredrick was filled to the hilt, taking a usual minute to enjoy the feeling of themselves:: "I could never be more happy to be in your arms, Quatre..." Then, Quatre started, thrusting into him gently, building his crescendo so masterfully and wonderfully, it was as if he were playing the violin, slight moans uttered out of both lips through the ultimate pleasure that played out. Fredrick then moved against him, now able to move with Quatre, hitting the perfect spot inside of Fredrick's body, now moving as one physically and spiritually as they both closed their eyes. The image was as clear as day in both of their eyes, flying higher through the clouds, angel's wings wrapping around both of them, as they were sent higher and higher, the sun bright in their eyes, one inside of the other, as they were sent faster and faster and higher and higher, now scream with everything both had ever had, passion bubbling up in both of their beings, finally hitting the top, blazing into eternity. Everything melted around them, their seed flowing out of them, the sweet nectar released into Fredrick as Fredrick climaxed all around the two of them, immediately seizing their lips, and continuing to give each other the pure love that they had deep inside. "Quatre...all I have to say to you right now is that I love you..." "Fredrick, I love you, too..." The two of them, quickly tiring, murmured sweet things in each other's ear, slowly, but surely falling asleep in each other's arms, their love expressed in every moment that they made love, but not as much or as beautiful as the sight of the two lovers trusting themselves as they delved into their own subconscious, content smiles carved on their tired, but satisfied faces.