Quatre and Fredrick kissed ceremoniously, as the tension the two possessed was incredible.  As they quickly removed their clothes, Fredrick spoke.

"Tell me, my desert prince, what will we do?"

As the two were now completely naked, the two bodies rubbed against each other.  

"Oh, Fredrick, we’d have a castle…"

Fredrick pressed his manhood against Quatre’s entrance.  "Tell me more…"

Fredrick moaned as Quatre continued.

"Oh, it would be the most beautiful place…!"  Quatre’s voice rose sharply as Fredrick entered him, as he spread Quatre’s legs out in front of him, his angel on the ground as he rose above Quatre and took him slowly and lovingly.  "We’d have a tower, taller than…anything possible!"  Fredrick’s thrusts went faster and longer, nodding to urge Quatre to continue.

"Up, in the top of the tower…we’d have a room."  Quatre gasped, mind and body filling with pleasure.  "We’d make the sweetest passionate love on top of the world…"  They both groaned at the idea, Fredrick moaning as he spoke.  

"You’d be my prince…"

"We’d be king and queen of our world of love…"

"Take me there, Quatre…"

"I will…my angel…"

Fredrick, now with ragged breath, asked.  "Who are you to me?"

"Oh, my angel, I’m your desert prince…!"  Quatre screamed out, his magic spot pushed so pleasurably, continuing to thrust on that spot again and again.

"I’m your angel, Quatre!"

"I’m your desert prince, Arabian angel, everything…"

"Oh, so am I…"

Fredrick yelled, nearing climax.  "Desert prince, take us to our castle!"

"I will, right NOW!"

The two shouted in pure love as their climax opened up wings…the two lovers grew large arcs that quickly unleashed themselves from each other’s backs, pure white feathers falling onto the ground as the wings flapped and made them soar high in the air while inside of each other, into a new dimension created, shown to them high into the air as they rose faster and faster, the window of their new world closing as climax was about to unleash itself in a liquid form, faster, faster…and then nothing.

They awoke in their new consciousness, hugging each other as they realized they were wearing regal clothes, a white flowing coat on each with the most beautiful jewels and adorned with pure gold, white wings flowing from the both of them.

"Yes, we made it!"  Fredrick exclaimed as he looked out of the room, a large window to the outside showed a expanse of desert, their own empire, the hot desert wind rushing in, flushing his cheeks.

"Quatre, we’re on top of the world…"

It was then, even with the distance between them, that they felt the pulse of the other’s, the love between them too much to take.

"My prince…"

"My angel…"

As they were about to kiss, Fredrick noticed something.  There were two crowns on a table next to them.  Fredrick picked the one with Quatre’s name inscribed and placed it on his head, placing his head on his chest.  "The king of my world…"

Quatre placed Fredrick’s crown on his head.  "My king…"

They kissed, removing their crowns and their cloaks as well.  Fredrick moaned out.  "My king, I want to taste your nectar…"

"I do, too…"

The desert air continued to float in from the outside as Fredrick kneeled at Quatre’s legs as if he were a real king and took Quatre’s member into his mouth, sucking serenely as he shifted his body so that Quatre could taste his regal body as well.  The two suckled going faster and faster, moaning into the other’s shaft, so close to releasing.  "Quatre, my king!"  

"Fredrick, my angel!"

They cried out, each taking the other all the way to the hilt, and releasing in a wonderful nirvana.  They tasted the wonderful seed, and then kissed each other, mixing their seeds in their mouths, the nectar being swallowed, leaving both gasping and spouting words of love.

After spending a few minutes a few minutes to rest, Quatre climbed his angelic body onto Fredrick, spreading his wings and encapsulating the both of them.  "I want to show you how much I love you…"

"Yes, prince, make love to me…"  Quatre kissed Fredrick, whispering to him as his shaft made its way near his entrance.

"I love you…"

"I love you, too, desert noble…"

Quatre thrusted into Fredrick, moaning as Fredrick did.

Fredrick gasped, "To be your prince, to be with you, that’s what I want to do for the rest of my life…"

"Me, too, you’re so beautiful…"

Quatre thrusted again and again, bringing both to the edge of climax.  One thought went through both of their minds, making them climax immediately, passionately kissing afterwards as the white substance swirled around them, obliterating their worlds in a flash of passion.

"I want your child…"

They continued to kiss, smiling.

"One day, we will…"

The Arabian princes, the two kings of the universe, fell back into consciousness, and then sleep.