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Ok, ok, I knoooow! Maybe these pages are annoying and stuff! But...I found out awhile ago that the original version I'd made for the page didn't work in the newer, fancier broswers. And so I made a fancier better version! However, my browser is very crappy and old and my computer is old and I can't yet afford a new one ^_^; And so the newer, "cooler" (heh!) version I made...could not be seen in my old browser for some reason. So I thought to myself, "Shoot dang, man! I cannot have a page that I myself can't see! And what of those others who, like me, also own crappy browsers? They, too, might not be able to see the new version which is pretty much exactly like the old one!" And so, I made two! And it's a pain in the butt to update them both but...I did this because... I LOVE YOU, MAN! ^_^; Ok, enough! Pick your version!

High Version IE / Netscape or Low Version IE / Netscape!

P.S: If for some strange and unknown reason, neither of these versions works for you, email me and let me know! That way I can bang my head on the desk cooly, and then fix it somehow! ^_^! Thanks!