Author: Mistress 3


Title: Changes and New Beginnings





Dear Diary,

                 Well the truth will finally come out. Over the past four months, I have seen with my own eyes little things that confirm that my husband is sleeping around.


                For example, after that first night, he has never tried to have sex with me again. At dinner, I notice that he keeps making eye contact with either Rei or Minako and they flirt with him shamelessly. In addition, he is usually alone with one if them. He does not come to see Chibi-Usa as often and I had not noticed this before but Rei’s son, Darren and Minako’s daughter Diana look like him.


I suspect that they are his, which tells me he has been doing this for a long time. Diana’s birthday is night months to the last week of our Honeymoon and Darren was conceived on our first anniversary. Just thinking about it makes me sick. We have been married four years now and all this time he has been lying to me, using me and deceiving me, and Minako and Rei, they are always so nice to me and eager to take care of Chibi-Usa. It’s because she is Mamoru’s and not because they love her or care about me.


I still cannot believe I was so foolish to believe they cared about me Mamoru never loved me; he just was using me to get power and claim the throne. He only keeps me around because of my power and good looks. He has always treated me like a child, always telling me what to do, buying me jewelry when I get upset, and always putting me on display at any social event. I am the proverbial trophy wife. It is just like Diamond said I saw these things all along but always dismissed them as friendliness or a misunderstanding believing what I want to believe and ignoring every thing else.


However, tonight that is going to change. The most unbelievable thing happened today, the outers wanted to take the girls and myself riding around the grounds. I went to our room to get my gloves, when I opened the door and I saw Mamoru and Minako having sex on my bed. I almost broke down in tears right then and there. I finally had to realize the truth.  How can I deny it when it is staring me in the face? Now I am finally ready to do what I must and take action. Tonight those three are in for a big surprise.
