To Dream a Forbidden Dream
Part 6
“We shouldn’t be doing this...”
“I know...” Kiss.  “I know...”
Those very words were said long ago in another
lifetime.  Everything has come full circle, locked
again in a forbidden relationship with forbidden
kisses, forbidden touch...
Heh.  I didn’t give a damn then, I’m certainly not
going to give a damn now.
“Kale...we shouldn’t...ah...”
“Shh...” Kiss.  “Don’t worry.”  Kiss.  “Don’t think.” 
I’m not letting you go this time.  I’m not letting you
run away.  Not again.
Not this time.
“We can’t...” He trembles so sweetly in my arms.
“We can, we will.”
So what if he’s my brother.
Yup, I thought that would be a nice lil ending. 
Leaves plenty to the imagination and if I ever get
prodded into a sequel I have a solid foundation to
work off of.
Thank you to everyone who ever reviewed my story and
encouraged me to write more.  It never could have
gotten this far without your invaluable support!
Special thanks to Shadow of Arashi!  You’re probably
my biggest fan!  Special hugs and Hershey’s Kisses!