Hey everyone! Unfortunately I had no idea how many errors there were on this page due to some dumb mistakes. Hey! This is my first website =) It can't be perfect. But since I realized that the link to this page was broken, I fixed it and now more people can come here! YAY! =) I also found out that my Wufei pic wasn't up either. >< Whoops... sorry! It works now though, so enjoy. I also figured out how to do thumbnails, so maybe my annoying pages won't take so long to load LOL! Thanks for stopping by!
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I must say that this was one of the more complicated drawings I did. I love it though!! It was a lot of fun to draw ^_^ For those who may not know (who wouldnt??) this is Heero Yuy, pilot of Wing Zero.

Well.... here he is again. Duo Maxwell, pilot of Deathscythe/Deathscythe Hell. Also known as the God of Death, but we all know he's a sweetie!! LOL Who's he tryin' to kid??
Ok... here's Trowa Barton, pilot of HeavyArms. Now..... somehow these weird lines got into the pic that I didn't put there..... Hopefully it doesn't attract too much attention.... >_<

Now....here was a challenge.... Quatre Raberba Winner, pilot of Sandrock... he's blond..... not a big deal, but try putting SHADOWS on a blond and it makes for a frustrating time!! LOL. Thank's Quatre for being such a pain in the rear.... hehe, j/k.
Here he is..... Wufei.... I know it's not the greatest pic, but I said I'd put him here. Sorry to all the people who think this picture sucks LOL! : )

Here's the newest picture in honor of the return of Gundam Wing to Toonami!! And OF COURSE it would be my obsession, Duo Maxwell ::smirks:: Gotta love that face!! ^.^;;
Check out the fan subs-COMING SOON
Things they would never say (funny Gundam stuff)-COMING SOON