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Project Amethyst Sky

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The Characters

Main Characters

The Sorceress:
Miyamashi Ikuya

Age: 23
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 158 lb.
Occupation: Actress/Reluctant Heroine

Specialization: The Magics

After waking in the mysterious world only known as "Amethyst Sky", Miyamashi is mistaken for the legendary saint, Myem'shii. Though similar to Myem'shii in name and appearance, Miyamashi is sure that she's never been a saint.

Still, seeing an opportunity to find passage back to her home, Miyamashi embarks on a journey to find Myem'shii's mythical relic, the Kaleya and to see if she can subdue some of the rumors circulating around her.

Often sarcastic and witty, Miyamashi's personality provides direct contrast to the saint's, which is remembered by those who supposedly knew her as "eternally kind", or, as Miyamashi sees her, boring.

But, perhaps there is a connection, as Miyamashi picks up the tools of the sainthood trade remarkably quickly....

The Healer:
Ibuki Kyoto

Age: 23
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 162 lb
Occupation: Field Researcher
Specialization: The Creation and Use of Helpful Concoctions

Before appearing in Amethyst Sky for no logical reason, Ibuki led a modest, simple life as an independant field researcher. While he still had a lot to learn about his old world, he sees the journey as an opportunity to gain knowledge about a place that seems scientifically impossible.

Upon his appearance in Amethyst Sky, Ibuki meets with a woman named Llywelyn, who, recognizing him as "somebody else who's normal...well, sort of", decides that he is now her only friend in a world where "stuff keeps attacking". So, having nowhere else to go, and appreciating the company of another person from his own world, Ibuki agrees to join her.

Even more surprisingly, the pair becomes a group when Miyamashi Ikuya runs literally smack into the two while running from a very large, very creepy...something.

With Miyamashi and Llywelyn, Ibuki begins the journey for the Kaleya and to discover the secrets of Amethyst Sky, picking up the trade of potion and antidote making, giving him vital healing abilities and making him an extremely important member of the group.

The Warrior:
Llywelyn Akira
Age: 21
Weight: 124 lb.
Occupation: "I'm sure YOU'D like to know!"
Specialization: Weapon Use and Attacking

Llywelyn could be called many things: Ditz, Hyperkinetic Freak, Cute Little Angel...

But, don't say it to her face, because the woman knows her weaponry.

To both Miyamashi's and Ibuki's surprises, Llywelyn, with a smile and a wink, picks up a very large, very heavy-looking sword and offers to be the offense in the party, then proves that she can.

Llywelyn doesn't like to let on about her past, but focuses more on the future and the adventure ahead. Though she is often very ditzy, she's a great deal smarter than she seems at first glance, and scary when she's angry.

Minor Characters

Azora Hihopteru






The Oracle