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Sailor Mars’ World!

Raye's Personality and background

Raye is bossy, pushy, obnoxious, annoying, strong willed, independant and always argues with Serena. She has a very short temper, which is always unleashed on Serena, and she likes doing things her own way. She IS a good friend, and a deeply caring person, and she's also always there for the sailor scouts when they need her. She has good meditation powers, as she works in her temple with her grandpa, and can usually get readings from the fire by using her psychic powers. When Sailor moon can’t take it she is sailor moon AND the moon princess, Mars tells her she is a good leader. Yet, there are loads of times when she points out she wants to be leader of the sailor scouts.

Her Mother died at childbirth, and her father is a politician, who works abroad. This is why she lives with her grandpa at Cherry Hill Temple. She trains there to be a priestess. May be because of working at the temple, may be just naturally, but Raye has psychic ability, always recognising when Nega verse activity is about to begin. She has an ability to read fire. She recognises what people are like, like Catsy of the Weird Sisters from the Negamoon.

She is able to make things work; as she is so bossy nobody dares to complain. She really puts her effort into what she does, but makes out it was nothing. Every body knows how hard she tries. She attends school at Brookdale Private Girls' School, which is a catholic school in Tokyo. Every body thinks she is a royal queen at school, a lot of people are happy to wait hand and foot on Rei, and she just loves the attention. She never completely settled in this school, because the other girls are scared of her. She is happy in the sailor scouts she has a lot of true friends. Her best friend is Amy.

When it comes to boyfriends Raye has a crush on Darien, and dates him for quite a long time. When Serena and Darien get together she's jealous about their relationship, but encourages it. Then there is Chad, or wotsis name. He works at her temple. Serena thinks has to be something going on, although nothing happens…

Raye has two pet crows named Phobos and Domos (the planet Mars has two moons named Phobos and Domos). These crows were helpful against Zoicite in one episode.

Sailor Mars' Powers and Attacks

Mars Power/Mars Star Power - Raye says this to transform into Sailor Mars.

Mars Fireball Charge - Mars (but sometimes Raye) holds up a small scroll called Ofuda, when she says those words and throws the scroll at a monster or person, that monster/person is paralysed. These scrolls can also be used for the vanquishing of evil spirits. Rei uses this attack before she's even Sailor Mars to scare of evil. First time I saw her using it was on Serena!

Mars Fire Ignite/Fire Soul - This is Sailor Mars' main attack. She clasps her hands together with her two pointer fingers outwards, and when she says the words a fireball is created at the tip of her fingers. She points it at the opponent, which burns them.

Mars Celestial Fire Surround - Sailor Mars says this and forms lots of rings of fire, which when aimed at evil monsters, is extremely powerful.

Mars Fire Bird Strike - She throws out an Ofuda and combines it with fire, which makes a phoenix of fire (I love phoenixes). The bird is special, seems to have a soul, as it dodges counter attacks, and follows the thing it is aimed to destroy.

Mars Flame Sniper - This is her attack when she is Super Sailor Mars. It is her most powerful attack of all.

Raye’s Profile

Raye’s name in Japan is Rei Hino
Her birthday is April 17
Her Astrological sign is Aries, and is ruled by Mars.
Her birthstone is Diamond
Her Height 5'6
Blood type is AB
Favourite food is Asparagus!
Her favourite subject is Ancient writing
Her favourite animals are crows and pandas
Her favourite colours are black and red
And her least favourite subject is Modern society
Her strong points include Meditation, karate, and hard worker when needed
Her dreams are to be a singer (got a good voice), Shinto priestess (she is already in training), song writer, model (wants glory, loves clothes, likes to look beautiful), wife, AND a voice actress!

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