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The story of the moon kingdom

There was once a time called the silver millennium where all of the planets were in total peace. There was a planet called the moon. On the moon there was a kingdom named the moon kingdom, this was perhaps the most peaceful of all the planets. They had dances and parties with fireworks every night. The ruler of this planet was a queen named Queen Serenity. Queen Serenity was fair and just, a lovely mother. The Queen had a daughter named Princess Serenity (Princess Serena). The queen taught her daughter everything she know about ruling the kingdom, hoping that Princess Serenity will one day rule it as she did.
<- Princess Serena

One day the Princess fell in love with a prince from the Earth. His name was Prince Darien. Both princess Serenity and Prince Darien vowed to be together. Princess Serenity spent most of her time staring at the earth.
One awful day Prince Darien came to the Moon Kingdom, he went to the princess and told her, "Your kingdom is in great danger. A strange force called the Negaverse has attacked the earth and they won't stop until they take over the universe. If they want to take over the universe they have to take over the moon first. Your mother has asked me to stay and fight for her kingdom."
Soon after Prince Darien had warned the moon, the Negaverse attacked. The Queen of the Negaverse, Queen Beryl, tried to convince Prince Darien to join her, and fight by her side. Prince Darien refused. Prince Darien refused. As with this, Queen Beryl attacked Prince Darien and Princess Serenity.

When Queen Serenity saw what had happened she had no other choice but to use her Imperium Silver Crystal. Using the crystal meant her own death, but she went ahead and she then trapped everyone inside of the crystal and sent them to Earth. When returning to Earth the crystal broke in to seven bits, the seven rainbow crystals. Along with her daughter, Darien, and all of the evil Negaverse, she sent all the citizens from the Moon Kingdom to Earth to start a new life. With Queen Serenity's last ounce of strength she told Luna and Artemis what to do in case the Negaverse ever broke lose and then she sent Luna and Artemis to Earth.

Then began the story of how Luna found Sailor Moon:

Sailor Moon Discovered
As the Negaverse started to return, Luna knew she had to find Sailor Moon. One day, as some small kids were throwing stones at her, a clumsy girl named Serena rescued her. Luna felt a strange power within Serena, and followed her home.
Luna appeared in Serena’s bedroom and started talking to her, who was really freaked out. She told Serena she was Sailor Moon, and gave her a locket to transform. So Serena was Sailor Moon, and her mission was to activate the other Sailor scouts and find the princess of the moon. Serena transforms into the pretty soldier Sailor Moon to fight against evil. But even as the super heroine, Sailor Moon is still a clumsy cry-baby. Slowly Serena finds the inner Senshi, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Mars, Sailor Mercury and Sailor Venus, who I think are all pretty hard on Serena. Other Sailor scouts, like Sailor Chibi Moon, or Rini, or Chibi-Usa, appears in the second half of the second season (Sailor Moon R). The outer Senshi, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune and Sailor Pluto, appear in the third season (Sailor Moon S).

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