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Sailor Neptune’s Home

Michiru's Personality

Michiru appears first in Sailor moon Super as a 16 year-old girl who attends Mugen Gakuen Academy. She is from a well off family (She is Rich), beautiful, and elegant. She is quite quiet, and well mannered, like a lady. She is very nice to the Senshi, admired and at times envied by the younger girls, though as Neptune she tends to be colder. She is a bad loser though, easily made jealous, always striving to make things into a competition.

Her hobbies are painting, playing the violin, and swimming, of course she is the best at all of these... Her best friend is Haruka (sailor Uranus) but they are obviously much more than friends, they won’t admit it. Evidence for the two being more that just friends in theSailor Uranus section. They would both sacrifice their lives for each other.

Her mission as Sailor Neptune is to find her talisman, which would save the world. She is one of the Senshi who will actually thing before she acts, unlike Haruka, who is brash. Neptune and Uranus often combine their attack in battle to produce a more powerful attack.

Her Powers and attacks

Neptune Planet Power, make up! –
She says this to turn into Sailor Neptune (or Super Sailor Neptune)

Deep Submerge -
She puts both her hands into a cup above her head and spins, which forms a blue-green planet ball, and water in the back ground splits up. She aims her planet ball at the target, which causes destruction! (see animated gifs

Submarine Reflection -
She uses her deep aqua mirror ( her talisman), her mirror always reveals the truth . Mirror outstretched, Sailor Neptune sends her power into the enemy, her most powerful attack.

Her Profile

Her real name is Kaioh Michuru, meaning "from the sea"
Her birthday is the 6th of March
Her star sign is Pisces
Her favourite colour is Marine blue
Her hobbies include Collecting cosmetics
Her favourite food is Sashimi
Her least favourite food is mushrooms
Her least favourite subject- she doesn’t have one
She has problems with sea cucumbers and children
She is good at playing the violin, painting, and swimming
Her dream is to be a violin player
Her favourite gemstone is Aquamarine

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