
Update: August 18,2002

I am soooooooo freaken sorry that I haven't put the pics from AX yet... ^_^;;; Um, but I DID make a "For You" section. EVERYTHING there is for you. I also put the Banners page in there. Yes... There is the Story Game, and that shall be great!! Oh yeah! Incase you were wondering where the hell all my thingies at the bottom of this page went, you'd be happy to know that they all have their own little page! ^_^ No new fanarts or fanfics, but my Grandma just got me a HUGE box of Prismacolor Pencils with a blender!! Expect artwork to be coming soooooooon. (yeah, just like the AX pics)

Update: August 2,2002

Wow... An actual update!!! ^_^ Erm... Sorry I havent put up the pics from Anime Expo yet... ^_^;;; Don't worry!!! Those'll be up soon!!! I promise you!!! Anyways, I have a doujinshi section!!! Yay!!! I'm so happy!!! And also there are two new fanarts up. On of them is a very strange yaoi pairing that I'm starting to like! ^_^ Oh yeah... *avoids the flying goat about to ram her* I'm gonna add a fanfic one day this summer. It'll be done.... one day.... ^_^;;; Hopefully..... Oh yeah!! And I also want Carrot fanfics!!! Why? Because my stupid lil head is having writers block, so now I must ask of you dear friends to submit your Fanfictions to the e-mail at the veeeeeeeeery bottom of this page!! ^_^ That's all for this sad, update... I'll see ya laterz!!

Update: July 19,2002

Wow... I've updated twice in two days!! Yay!!! I have a new fanart by Reichi!! Finally somebody submited an art!! Hassah!!! More of you guys need to submit!!! Now Dammit!!! I put up an Image Gallery!!! You can take pics but put a link back to my site!!! I'm so happy!!! There are a bunch of imgages I scanned and a bunch that I stole borrowed. Heh.... There's another link in the Link-a-ma-bobbers! Go check it out! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew!!!! Haha!!!! I am so hyper right now!! I will put up more fics..... Maybe... I know I havent put any up lately... Sowwy... ^_^;;;;; And the pics from Anime Expo will be up... sooooooon.... heh heh... ^_^;;;; I am sorry.... Well, maybe tomorrow or some other day those'll be up! ^_^<

Update: July 18,2002

Hello!!! *waves hand in air* I just added five new arts by me, and two more not by me!! ^_^ Eight more Pocket Bishonen live with me now, go ahead and check them out!! ^_^ One more thing in the Uh... No! Section. It's kinda dumb... (Like everything else there...) Tons of new links up in Link-a-ma-Jiggers. Including 3 More Carrot shrines!!!!!!! Hassah!!!! We should start our own club... (yeah rightlike anyone would join...)I think that's it.... Soon there will be an image gallery!!! Yay-ness!!!!

July 11,2002

Finally.... after two months.... my scanner... is... WORKING!!!!!!!!!!!! HUUUUUUUUGE, HUMUNGA DUNGA update, actually it's small, but to me it's big!! One new fanart section, and fourteen new fanarts up!! ^_^ I'm sooooo happy!! I still have like, four more to put up, but I'll do those tomorrow!!! I'm soooo happy!! Also, I'll probably put up the pics I took at Anime-Expo 2002. It was fun!! And sorry, but I could not be Tira... *sigh* I was Jubei-chan in nija form though!! So if you saw a Jubei-Chan cosplay and a Dotta cosplay, that was me and my friend Faia-chan!! And I was singing Pokemon songs so I did keep that promise!!! ^_^ My mom mispelled my nick-name, so it said Cafe Late instead of Cafe Latte... Arigatou mom... Arigatou very mucho.... -_-;;;

Update: July 2,2002

*sigh* My scanner STILL isn't working...!!! *glares at broken scanner* It's being very poopy!!! I have 17 new arts that need to be put up dammit!!! Well, anyways... It's a kinda small update... Sorry... I rearanged the order of the Fan Stuff, so instead of two separat things for FanArt and FanFiction, it's one thing that you click to decide. Yay!! \^o^/ There are three new things in the Uh... no! section, and... I'm... now... a... Pocket-Bishonen Trainer!!!! YIEEEE!!! I love it!!! ^_^

!!!Attention Attention!!!

Are you going to Anime Expo? If you are, then look out for a Tira cosplay and a Dotta cosplay!! The Tira one is me!! You might see me glomping Bishonen cosplayers... ^_^;;;; Oh yeah!! I'll also be singing Pokemon songs....? -_-;;;;

June 19,2002

I am soooo sorry I havent updated in a while.... Sue me!! I've had finals and my scanner wasn't working!! (It still isn't... *growl*) But now that school is over after tomorrow, I'll update more frequently!!! ^_^ Yay!!! Okay, semi-small update.... I've added two new fanfictions!!! Horay!! And one is a semi-lemon so read it!! ^_~ I have two new Banners in my "LINK TO MEEE" Section!! Yay!! Use them!!! There is no new FanArt by me.... *sigh* But It's all my scanner's fault!!!! But I just added a new lil section of Artwork in the "Phan Art" Section so look at it!! It's artwork not bye me!!!!! (I only have two....) If ya wanna submit some to me, then just e-mail me!! ^_^ Erm... I have a lot of stuff to add in the "Uh... NO!" Section, but that'll just have to wait!!! Oh yeah!! Did you notice the new background and pic? I think the pic has a lot to do with the season!! ^_^

May 10,2002

Gomen I've been dead.... Sorry!!! ^_^;;;; I got grounded for a really long time!!!! I'm sooooooo sorry! Don't attack me with sharp and pointy objects!!!!!!! Well, very small update since my scanner isn't working at the moment... I added two things to the Uh....No! section, and now...the...Top...Ten...Anime...Dudes....Section....Has...Pictures!!!!!!!! YIEEEEE!!!!! Now you can look at all of their hot-ness!!!!! Speaking of hot-ness, has anyone seen Spider-Man? I love that movie!!!! I've seen it twice on the first weekend it came out!!! And the guy is sooooooo hot! Especially when you get to see him in his suite! You can see his little booty!!! It's looks so shapley and grabbable!!! #^_^# I love that movie!!! But...Carrot is a million times better!!!!!!!

April 3,2002 In two days it's my Birthday!!! I will be fourteen!!! ^_______^ Yayness!!! Only two more years till I can drive!!!Wait a minute... That's still too long...... man! Oh well, I'm still happy!!! I'm accepting birthday presents all this month if ya wanna e-mail them to me at the address below... *hope hope* Okay, well, it's another small update... AGAIN! Only a new fanfic... And I was kinda in a hurry when I wrote it, so... It's not THAT good..... Oh well!! My Birthday is coming in two, count them, two days!!!! It's the best day in the whole year!!!! Oh... I already talked about that... huh? This is a long update!! Is anyone reading this far? Hmmm..... Oh well!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!

March 30,2002 Sowwy I've been dead for a long time... ^_^;;;; Right now I'm listening to that song from Titanic. You know, that one they kept playing over, and over on the radio? Yeah! My Heart will Go On... I luv that song!!! -^_^- Well, sorry I've been dead... Small Update... Two new fanarts, and one new fanfiction. Not much... Well, I do have some fanarts, but I need to scan them and I'm way too lazy... -_- HEY!! Tomorrow is Easter huh? Happy Easter to yall! ^_^ Here comes Peter Cotton tail... Hoppin down the bunny trail...Hippidy Hopidy, Easter's on it's way...

March 16,2002

Tomorrow is St. Patty's Day, so Happy St. Patty's Day to y'all!! Okay, small update again...no new fanarts or fictions...but I just added the new Banners section!!!! YAY!!! You be allowed to use them! Just put a linky poo back to here!! ^_^<

March 9,2002

I now have an Update section! Ooooooooooooooooohhhh.........aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh........ Also I added more to the Uh...no! Section. It isn't much......but......eh......

March 5,2002

I just added 4, count them, 4 new Phan Arts! They're okay. Er...the Uh...No! Section is kinda still the same...But I promise that I will add some stuff...maybe...oh yeah! Yes, I know St. Patrick's Day is the next Holiday, but I don't have any SH pics having to do with that, so I'm going strait to Easter! Here comes Peter Cotton-Tail hoppin down the Bunny trail...