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News/Main page


11/28/02 - Soooo, This is the new page im going to be working on it alot over the next week or so, until then chew on some gravity iRO news!

11/29/02 -IP banning has been canceled.
Hello this is IRO GM Team. We decided to cancel the IP ban from some of countries that we blocked before, by lots of considerable requests. Those countries we canceled IP ban are following; Singapore Malaysia For your information, Countries where have been blocked from IRO are following; Korea Taiwan China Thailand Indonesia Japan Hong Kong Thank you,See you in IRO. IRO GM Team, Gravity Corp.

11/29/02 -We wont abuse your payment info.
Hello this is IRO GM Team. There are a lot of inquiry wondering about the credit card information which we could re-charge you after the closed beta period. But we don"t store your credit card information, KCP company doesn"t either. All we"re doing is sending your credit card info to your credit card companies and asking them to accept the transaction one time. Frankly we won"t charge you automatically again for the next term and we don"t have the specific future plan for the IRO yet. Even so,we will let you make your decision about the payment issue as the server maintenance fee,just like wee"re doing now. If there is anyone who has to get a consent of the payment issue from the parents, please be advised with this notice. Or if you want to make sure let us get your nationality info and the phone numbers which we can contact your parents. Thank you for the cooperation. IRO GM Team, Gravity Corp.

11/29/02 -Did you enter the wrong gender?.
Hello this is IRO GM Team. We let you know that we won"t rectify your information in case you enter the wrong information in your gender, email address and etc. Please be attentive when you register. Thank you for the cooperation. IRO GM Team, Gravity Corp.

11/29/02 -Thanks to the Mirror sites.
Hello this is IRO GM Team. There are 2 Mirror Sites of the IRO Client updated on the official website. They are `" and `Zober"s Heaven". We sincerely appreciate people in both sites, for supporting us with the great favour we couldn"t expect before. We hope you will continue to support IRO and Gravity. Thank you. IRO GM Team, Gravity Corp.

11/28/02 - Client downloading page open again.
Hello this is IRO GM Team. Finally we re-open the client downloading page. We are deeply sorry to make you wait for a long time. The client files are devided into 10 parts. Make sure you need the new client to access new patch server. Thank you for the cooperation. IRO GM Team, Gravity Corp.

11/28/02 - We cannot view the registration page!!
Hello this is IRO GM Team. When you can"t view "" the registration page, probably it would be caused because you didn"t accept the security allert system. Please allow the window and proceed into the page. Or please check your internet option for sure. And some of people using Win98 or Netscape, it might be hard to access the registration page. Please check your Window version as well. Thank you. IRO GM Team, Gravity Corp

11/28/02 - Account confirmation
Hello this is IRO GM Team. We regret to say that all of applicants for the IRO Closed Beta can not confirm their account on the web or the game server for now. Because all data of payment information and accounts have been stored in the KCP(Korea Cyber Payment) company not in our Data Base. We are waiting for your all information arrived on Nov 30. After we receive them, we will let you check your account on the website(but you won"t be able to access the game server until the appointed time.). So please wait until Nov 30. Thank you for the cooperation. IRO GM Team, Gravity Corp.