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Neo Senshi HQ V Kitty Love

This site is dedicated to my personal character creations based on the wonderful anime Sailor Moon!

25 January 2006
Alright, I have started drawing again after almost a three year break, and as soon as I get a new scanner I will start putting up my hand-drawn work. I have also started writing a story for all my charas, as well as a story for my sister's charas. The site will be expanding soon to house my characters as well as my sister's. I won't be updating much because I have a lot to do right now (college, work, new website, finish projects). I will be back again soon with more information, updates, and a new layout. TTYL.



+Character Profiles
+About Me
+Story- coming soon!


+Voice Clips- coming soon!
+Random Fun
+Win an award- coming soon!


+Links Out
+My Awards
+Cliques, etc
+My TCGs


Sailor Moon © Takeuchi Naoko, Bandai JP, Toei animation
Site © Tara