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Anime3 All You Need To Know About DragonBall Z

The DBZ Story
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The story of DBZ (Dragon Ball Z) is the next season from DB (Dragon Ball). DB is an Anime, and a Manga. DB is the work of Akira Toryama, aswell as DBZ. DBGT (Dragon Ball Grand Tour) is the third season but not the work of Akira Toriyama. DB is from the ancient story in Japan, called the Monkey King. DB is supposed to be a comedy but it starts to turn into more fighting and a better story line. But there are still some jokes that Akira is trying to fit in.

The story of DBZ is about an alien from the Planet Vegeta. He starts of in DB as a young kid that has accidently killed his so called “Grandpa” Gohan. His name is Goku. Meets a young lady named Bulma on the search for the Dragon Balls. Bulma discovers that Goku has a Dragon Ball. Then they go on a quest to find the rest of the Dragon Balls. The Dragon Balls. The Dragon Balls are so special because if you get all 7 the Eternal Dragon will grant them 1 wish. Bulma at the beginning wants to wish for a boyfriend. They meet a lot of friends on their quest. But that is not all that happens in DB. There is an evil villain named emperor Pilaf and many others. And also many, many more quests.

In DBZ it starts off with Goku going to show his friends his son, Gohan. But when he arrives he meets his evil brother from the Planet Vegeta. His name is Raditz. Raditz tells Goku about where he came from and that there are more like him on the way. Then they start to battle. Gohan comes and injures Raditz with his hidden power. Then Goku grabs hold of Raditz, and hi rival or enemy in DB come and shoots a beam right through them. Then they both die. That’s not all that happens in DBZ this season has over 200 episodes and it has a lot of story to it. If you have Satellite go to cartoon network it shows DB and DBZ.