Art Contest
Grrr...this is lame. I am a copycat. EVERYONE IS HAVING AN ART CONTEST! Ok...calm down Natalie...ok, uhhh...rules and stuff...
1. No hentai etc...
2. You must draw one of my characters.
3. You must draw the pics JUST for the contest. NEW PICS. I will put them all in the Fan Art section after the contest is over.
Prizes, Ne?
Best Overall: 1 Prize Pic(Ex: I'll Draw a 1st prize thing) and 2 Char Pics(Ex. I'll Draw Coral Yoshi)
Best of That Character: 1 Prize Pic 1 Char Pic
All The Rest: 1 Char Pic can draw any of these 7 chars!
Princess Yoshira
Princess Violet
Foxy Starsky(She's the blonde one)
Random Oddity(She wears blue jeans and one red one purple shoes)
Decided? Ok...Prizes
1st Place: A pic and a emotion icon
2nd Place: A pic
3rd Place: An emotion icon
They aren't the best prizes, but how hard is coloring in a yoshi? ;-_-
Princess Yoshira (By Dad)
Princess Yoshira (By Keshi Troopa)
Princess Yoshira (By Color Yoshi)
Princess Yoshira (By Coral Yoshi)