Rants and Raves

--The Rules of our Road--

Okay, so this is our special little corner of the site where we state what we (communally) love and stand for. First and foremost is obviously anime, but you already knew that so we'll move on.

Now for the animes we are particularly fond of! The thing that will probably appear most often on the site is Digimon, which we adore positively everything about except for Sora. She is bareable under certain circumstances, but one of our few site limits has to do with romances she is involved with. We will not accept any fic having to do with Taiora or Sorato. Taichi and Yamato are meant for each other, not that red-headed demon, you bakas! Now that we have that cleared up, we just have to say how excited we are about season three. The poster for it lies above! *squeals* It is finally airing on Fox Kids!

Our second pick is none other than Gundam Wing. We are all pilot obsessed in one way or another, and we all pay homage to the great 2xH (Duo/Hilde, for all you rookies) lemon writer, Sabacat. We send condolences for Sebastian, her cat, who passed on recently. On another note, all of the Quills support 3x4, and most of us like 1x2. The 1x2 loving, however, excludes Ivory, who wants the gorgeous Heero Yuy all to herself. And trust Scarlet, folks: you'd better let her have him if you don't wanna get clawed.

Don't worry, though. Ivory will not attack unless provoked and this site is hardly limited to Digimon and Gundam alone! In fact, Violet is infatuated with most of the male charaters on the more obscure Outlaw Star, and would go insane if there wasn't just a little bit about it around here. Then, of course, there is the fact that Ebony is in love with Tenchi Universe, and Tenchi himself. And we can't forget Scarlet's odd habit of randomly selecting an anime category on FanFiction.Net and reading all the fics lying within--okay, so you get the point. So if we don't have your category around yet, go ahead and send your fics to us anyway. We'll take anything!