In the year 2031, humankind has been replaced as the dominant species by a race of monstrous insect-like creatures known as Blue...
Blue Gender takes place on Earth, in the year 2031. Unfortuantely, humans don't live there anymore. The Blue rule the Earth where humanity once did. When they first arrived, they were thought to be some sort of weapon, but we soon found out they were far worse. They survive by eating inorganic matter, buildings and such. Humans were just in the way. We don't really supply much energy to them, so they basically cover us with this acid type stuff to melt and mold our bodies into "dumplings" to save us for later. When there's enough for them to actually get some thing out of them, that's when they eat them. Humans fled to space, where they built a colony. Now that's where the human race calls home.
Yuji Kaido wasn't aware of this. He peacefully slept through the arrival, which then became reign, of the Blue. When he awoke, he was being transported to another location. People from the colony were sent to get the "sleepers"-those who had been put to sleep because of an incurable illness to be awakened when the cure was discovered. Yuji was not awakened for such a happy occasion as that. He awoke to rolling down a corridor being banged and bruised as he was jostled around inside the "sleeper tank."
When he finally could see outside, he was greeted by the lovely image of the Blue. A Blue that did not like the men that were trying to take Yuji. They fought, and failed. Yuji then got to see the lovely process of just how people were made into those lovely, green dumplings. And when the Blue was done, it came after him...
[Anime and Manga]
[Book Series]