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Hey! This is my Updates page. Yep! My Update page. ^_^, because I don't think DP will ever decide to write here! Anyways, this is where I'll explain what I have done for updates. Big or little updates I'll write about. But if it's really tiny I might not feel up to writing about it, or...i may be too lazy...heh heh...yea...

March 22, 2003
Hey! I just wanted to tell y'all there are a couple new animes on Cartoon Network! They are so...WOW...I'm just speechless! Lol, yep. Well, the first one is that there are the new DBZ episodes out to continute the Boo saga. Then next one following is Yu Yu Hakusho it is a really great one, I love the story! Then, following that is the greatest show I've ever seen: Rurouni Kenshin!
*Dragon Princess: Angel is in love with Kenshin! ^_^* You must watch it! I am definitely going to put up all three of these animes in due time, as well as others I have in mind.

December 1, 2002
Hey! Hee hee, yep, I was lazy! Mwahahaha, that's why I haven't written in here, but no worries!!! I HAVE been updating! Yea! I've been focusing on aiding the galleries! So yup! As soon as DP deals with the ones that are not showing up we'll be posting them (Rayearth mostly)up. She won't let me take them off b/c she wants to know which ones to recover. Yea, so thank you much for being as patient as y'all have been. I'll (we'll) be changing the layout in a bit to better fit my most favorite holiday, Christmas! Yea!

November 7, 2002
Hey! Sup! I'm so bored! I also wanted to just keep on record that we changed the name of our site from "Dragon Princess' and Angel's Anime Domain" to "Anime's Pure Bliss". ^_^ We also changed the look! Now it looks a little more high tech than before! We can all thank DP for that! Yep! Thanks DP! I'll see ya tomorrow.....anyway....sign the g-book and you'll be on my good side......hee hee, jk, any way! Later dayz!

~November 4, 2002~
Hey! Well, today was a nice change! We've got a new name for the site! I hope you like it! Oh, and F.Y.I. some of the galleries, namely Sailor Moon, will be missing a lot of pix. Sorry! It's down again! This site is very high maintenance! Argh! Oh well! I'll talk to you guys later! Thanks for visiting! Later Dayz

July 27, 2002
Hey hey all! Well, I added a new fan dic to the Fan Fic section. It'll be found under the Sailor Moon section! Hey, well, summer school is out for me! I'm like so so happy! Now I get to relax and enjoy what's left the to summer! Hm, well, I'm not exactly what else there is to say. I'm having a road block on what else to update on this site. If you have any ideas, please let me know! Ok Later dayz all!

May 28, 2002
Hey! Long time no telly about updates! LOL, well, don't worry, we've been doing updates, we just haven't kept you informed of them ^_^ But anywho, I've *Angel* have been doing lots of updates all this weekend! *whew!* Yea, lot's of hard work! ^_^ and proud of it! Well, I've *we've* started a new section, which is about us! ^_^ tightness! lol, I am also changing the look on the info section! You will soon be able to click on the pics to go the the certain section of characters you want to view instead of having to scroll all the way down to find your character! Yeppie! LOL, anywho, I finally found a bg (back ground)for the Rayearth section, so that completes them all and so now I can plug them all in and get you guys an eaiser way to access the info! ^_^ I know, I know, I'm tight! lol, hey if that's not a good idea don't get all picky on me at the moment, I'm kinda sick right now and can get grumpy! *little people run away* mwahahahahahaha!

January 12, 2002
Hello! Ok now all the Sailor Moon pics have been moved to my friend's site so they are no longer here!

January 5, 2001
Hi, I had a little extra time, so I made the information pages a little nicer for the Sailor Moon section. So I hope you like it. Bye

December 16, 2001
Hey, I'm just trying to add more information to my page so there are more to look at so go check it out! If I don't update by Christmas Happy Holidays!

December 11, 2001
I have just been adding more Sailor Moon Pics to the Sailor Moon Gallery. Little bye little. And I have also been adding Sailor Moon group pics. Bye

December 1, 2001
I have updated my site so that my site looks more Christmas like. I hope you like it. Bye

November 25, 2001
Hi! Well, today I decided to make my most recent updates on the top instead of all the way at the bottom. So you can find entries August 12, 2001-Novemember 9,2001 below this entry. Now on to updates. I've added two new characters to my Poll: Sailor Saturn and Sailor Chibi Moon. I also changed the Poll's colors to match the upcoming holiday Christmas! I've added a whole bunch of pics to the Sailor Moon and Venus galleries as well, I've had a lot of time with Thanksgiving break and everything. You'll also find that I finally put up some fan art bye Titan. SO go check out her work! I believe that's about it. Enjoy the rest of your visit to my site bye!

August 12, 2001
~~~Well, today I learned how to make these extra pages. Like the update page, link page, and Galleries. I added that clock with Diana the cat on it. That's about it. In the future I plan to make things like a Fan Art page, fan fics, profiles, and other things. I've got to go right now. Bye Bye!

August 13, 2001
~~~Well, today I added my very first pic to my Sailor Moon Gallery. If it does not showplease tell me. It's very for me to do these kind of things. I also moved the links from the main page to the links page. I still would like to figure out some other things, if I want to get this site the way I want it. Like, I want to know how to make thumb nails for my pics. If you know how please e-mail me at Pinkbubble I've got to go now! Chow!

August 16, 2001
~~~Hi there! Well today not much. I just added a feed back to my page. and yesteday I filled out Sailor Moon's information and some of Mini (Chibi) Moon's too. I'll try to get all of this done as soon as I can. And get this site to become full of things. But right now I have lots of things going on during the summer. And then School is starting soon and so this will all just inch by. C YA 4 now!

August 17, 2001
~~~Well, today I added information on Sailor Mercury. But that's about it for now! I've got to go bye!

August 23, 2001
~~~Today I updated my Rayearth Gallery. All I have for now is Hikaru and the groups. The Fuu and Umi gallery don't exist yet. So don't click on them because it will say that they don't exist! I might update later on today so keep on checking! Bye Bye!

August 27, 2001
~~~Well, I updated on the 25 or 26 but I can't remember when. I added the thanks page I just did not post it here to tell you. Thanks for now! Bye bye!

August 31, 2001
~~~Hi well today I added a home link to most of my site. So that way you can get back to my main page eaiser. I also fixed up the Rini information part. and I added a new group image to my group gallery. I know that it's takeing me a long time to get pics up but I have so much work to do now. Sorry for the delay! The only time I can really go on line now is on the weekends because I usually won't a lot of work to do! bye bye!

September 1, 2001
~~~Hi there! Today is the first of September! I just added two links to my links page! One was the Senshi Diaries link and the other was the Sailor Moon Tope 21 list! Besure to vote for me! That's all for now bye!\

Septmeber 2, 2001
~~~Hey well I added a new link. The centersphere sm site. And I am going to add more home links to my site bye bye!

September 8, 2001
Hey guys! Sorry that I have not been telling you of my updates!! *bows* forgive me! Well what I have done is I've fixed up my info pages (that have info) to make them look neater. I have also added a generous amont of pictures of Rini. I'm going to do some more updates on the information section and maybe the galleries I hope! So I got to get cracking! bye!

September 11, 2001
This is not an update, I just want to put a litle notice of respect for the poor people in New York and Washington. And all the people who lost family in the incident today.

September 13, 2001
Well, I just added a fanfiction page. SO I ask all my vistiors who have written or will write a story, please send them in soon! Thanks!

September 16, 2001
Hey well today I found out how to make thumb nails!!! ^_^ *praises self* I'm not sure if it's the profesional way or not but I think it's better than nothing! So I'll be focusing on the for a while until I convert all my galleries to thumb nails. It'll be much easier to load my pages that way. Well, I may also update other things, but mostly converting the pics. I'll mostly be doing updates on weekends because I'm usually really busy on weekdays. Contact me with any questions and things. Thanks to the people who have contacted me with their suggetions and comments, etc. Bye for now!

September 19, 2001
Well I just added some new pics to the Sailor Moon group gallery! I'm so sorry that that's the only gallery I'm working on a the moment!!! I hope you can forgive me! It's very time consuming!!! I can only do a little at a time! So when I'm happy with the amount of pics in that gallery I'll focus on a different gallery. But I might add a little to others as well. BYE!

Septmeber 22, 2001
Hi hi all! Well I have started facusing on my group gallery for Rayearth right now!!!! SO go on and check it out!!! But there are more Sailor Moon pics in the group gallery. But even though I'm working on these things please be patient some more because I am sooo busy will things away from the computer sorry!!! heh heh heh. I bet most of you can relate! So I'll tell you what. The more you people sign my guestbook the hareder I'll work on getting more pictures and infromation onto my site!!! Good deal? I hope so! SO sign sign sign!!!! Bye bye for now!!!

Semtember 26,2001
Hey! Well I just wanted to say that I added the background music to the main page two day ago. I'm sorry that it does not reapeate it self. I'll try and see how to fix that later! bye! bye!

October 3, 2001
Hi, well today I added a fan fic by me!!! It's titled "The Gift" My first one!!!! So go check it out!!!Chow!!!

October 7, 2001
Well, I added and fixed up my image galleries quite a bit today! They are sure coming along!!! I hope you go check them out! Mostly the group galleries are the ones that are worth a look at the moment! I plan to work more on information next weekend! So that will gve you sothin to look forward to ok? Bye for now!

October 8, 2001
Hi! Well today I changed the font and colors of my main page. Also added a information for the Fuu and Hikaru information pages! Well I got to go! bye bye!

October 28, 2001
Hi guys! Well, I've been adding a lot to my site and haven't been telling you guys what I've done. Nothing really major. Just making my site look a little different and a little more professional. Well, I've loaded two more Hikaru pics onto my site and will post them sometime this week. Sorry my galleries are taking forever to become more full. I've just be doing minor updates and adding new pages. Well, that's all for now! And don't forget to send me your fan fics and fan art!

October 31, 2001
Hey, well today is Halloween, so to all of you who like to trick-or-treat, I wish you the best of luck on getting all the good candy! Well, today I added information to Sailor Jupiter, and added two more Hikaru pics! So check them out! Tootles!

November 2, 2001
I added information to Venus and Mars, so go check it out! Chow!

November 9, 2001
Well, I moved a lot of the things that were on my main page to their own little spaces ( awards page, and places to vote for my site at) so go check it out! I also fixed the links to my information page. Sorry about that! Thanks for telling me all you people! I really am greatful! Well, I think that's about all I've done. Bye for now!