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Legato Bluesummers (from Trigun)

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Legato is a demented man, probably in his late twenties, that appears around halfway through the series. He has blue hair that drapes down in his face, and a large and very, very cool white trenchcoat that has a human skull on it, and black spikes coming out of the jacket. He is seen constantly eating hotdogs, and talking psyhically to Vash. Legato has extremely powerful psychic abilities. Legato once forced half of an entire town to point all their guns at eachother and shoot simultaneously. He only did half because he wanted to see all of the agony of the living. Legato can make people do things and go inside peoples' minds. Legato is the adopted son of Knives. This was the first human that Knives ever trusted or confided in. Legato definitely did any little thing that Knives wanted, without question. Knives ripped off Legato's arm once, and used the severed arm of Vash and put it in place of Legato's old arm so he would be part Plant. Legato, as you can see, is horribly terrifying. Legato's theme is one of the coolest themes ever created as well. Legato is second in command of the Gung Ho Guns. Legato can translate to El Gato, which means "the cat" in Spanish, if that means anything.