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Welcome to Twinbee Land!

Last Updated 22 - 8 - 2001

Originally a humble Twinbee site, these pages now aspire to cover all of Konami's comical, misfit franchises.

We're in a period of transition at the moment, deciding which games to feature, and in what depth. Head to the news section for an explanation of what exactly is going on. If you're returning to the site and it isn't quite the Twinbee Land you remember, you'd do well to read the statement of intent I've placed there.

If you have any comments, contributions or suggestions regarding the site, feel free to send them HERE

Otherwise, click below on whichever pages you'd like to visit. As the next few weeks go by, there'll be a lot more choices available.

What's New? - Site history, overview of what I'm planning to do and, of course, whatever happens to be new.

Twinbee - Currently the main bulk of the site. This is the comprehensive resource for Twinbee information - there's a fair amount of other stuff there as well on Parodius, Konami World and Konami Krazy Racers. Go look.

Taisen Puzzle Dama - One of Konami's better kept secrets, an arcade puzzler series with several spin-offs.

Bishi Bashi Special - Strange game, small section. Read it and weep.

Emulation - Play the games you've been reading about. Of course, you'll already own a legal copy...

Links - Coming Soon! Since the old site launched nearly 2 months ago I've been meaning to add one of these...


Twinbee Land proudly accepts this award from the Organization for the Preservation of Classic Forms of Gaming.


The Konami logo, Twinbee, Taisen Puzzle Dama and Bishi Bashi are all trademarks belonging to Konami Corporation. This site is in no way affiliated to Konami.